578 The Doctrineofthe pnre for vs ? no, z Cer.13. 5. <Thaerethos A. Bybeing ourredemption, 4, Whatis theprineipllfrúit rromperiai°g. < andourrighteoufnes °, i Cor. ofFaïthbywhtchitisknarenek Thereby wee hate life coda. T3 ° A. The purifying of the ,:Tb.bcafii n'ng; Q. How isweowrredew tion? heart, ACir i wicked above P 5.9 audtiogrre,y. A. $ecaufe hee bathbought ..02, What is the pre noteofogth,rtogh of it arconel Vs with the price of his owne aprsrifiedheart? a "aisnerya:ÿ. blood, 1 Cor.6.zo.!Pet.t.T9. A. A defirein all things to eq.,'ysingcon. Q How it he ourrghreoujnes. liuehoneflly Heb.t4.1ßi rol«toavoid A. Becaufe bee dothprefent .Q. what ischiefly tobee vrgedt°hye°s'. vs without faultin Gods fight, uponchofe which bsleeue? Col. T.,s. A. That theybeecarefulltó Q. Heware weMade right!__ Phew forth good workes i,Tit, ous through Chraff ? 3. 8. t Foitne i n God,andhe ex. on, fine.., A. As he was made fine for ,.,Whatworker hegood? pie °father,, imputed dtohiñ'vsx 2 Cor.g.zr. A. Suchas God requirethk, éefgé' r wnfetretor,, Howcomewetotheknow- Mich.6.8. hei,prof ;Ron, ichisaifoac -led o allthis? Whenareourwarnercalled adingvpwa fparried with f k feel n ifica on,as A. By the Word of Truth, Seed? n<mr<r arhdt aeenimo"ye° A. Whenwe haue refeii to;óe6°n'aPet.,. yr t les ofon, which is the Gofpell, Co11,5, p Coá'rge before Wnat is the Goffeli? all t Gods Commandements,'The "la ui. ' semuch is A. Glad tidings to all Gods P.N., 19.6. ofall good, meant by < thepeople ", Luke 2. 10. Q; Howmany bee the Com_' °rf °°k°ga ;toplc)Taei: mandements ofGod? difpenf tion ft .otaofani ,Towhomdoerhejebexefiu f anyoner"nc,& lzm.om,pamofChrifappertainet A. Tess,Exod.34,x8. a°ingg°°aay. ser'`'a'' A. Euen to thofe whirls be.. g, What is the briefefilm oforeá«,i`ß:°` rFaith is the Qé condition of the leeuc in his name r, lobs 1.1 a. them all? n c°"`""' fh What is Faith? A. Thoualtloue theLord sBt proof! of, S<npwre. and A. To know. that Iefus is thy God withall thyhart,with iy c°mfombte expenent< ina the Chrift ,,the Sonneofthe li- all thy foul! , andwith all thy rod" own r me. wing God, lohn6.69. mind m, and thy neighbouras .Thesis the aBefides who Lawof ?e5f . raoo her iscobs Q. isknotin ourpower tobe- thy felfe, Mat.zz.37,3 q. r1 lookedfor. ce,, binai " aTtutn,hc !erne? .Q, AreweofFurfelxesfeffici cuenthemo8' lceneinhim, A. No man can come b to eat todoegoodworkes? a,novmn;, 6. v kó S. Chrift, except God the Father A. No : ourfufñciencÿ is of °mO'`"' faith in himby In draw hime, fohn 6.94 God °, a Cor.3.5 . He work<tn 5pr n , .stake i What is the outwardmeaner .Q. Are wee thenjawedby ear bo:n th°wdand rhed«a, Plil.i. Entwining. óy which Faith,commeth? workes? eTh'tir,whon A The ofa Preacher A No but grace E h °ear ° °°r a,,o with hearing by g > P d,hs<°vr e i, mesodfendv which is feat e Rom.toag,l5, a.8,9. ehny°t°nrai. roe rods Q. what is the inwardimams? Q, Is not or fit.ligationpartly ,7¡ <.es.e. her. ten,and A. Theopeningoftheheart., byworkes,partly bygrace e? PThensp,to to beeable to dimdeour falua. kea good yr Atls16 14, .4'. Thengrace wereno grace, .nn<twec "e ofthings taught. Q. When deth the wardprea.. Rom. 11.6. usertwo. chedwarkebeg with thehearers? Q;. What rsr fartherreywìredof A. When it is receiued not aChriflian? as the wordof man, but as it is A. Toencreafe9 more and ,'e;"tr°;°,r" a,i gd indeed the Word ofGod , r. more r Theff:4.1. The .z. t Howmany enemies he there he hi hcnieke ff 3. Q. h°ñai,grae_ What is cfpeciallyto beca. tofartheroxrencreafing? neongh, harp red er,b the ewhich thin the A. Threeefpccially. "°"e't'ifaob faenuf°itisanhaefareh? f k 7 When itthefirf3Ì '. áisk"owt<ag<;. moo 'ichaner- A. To rogue fthemfelues A. Theinceremilkeof Gods ö in iping Mier- p bediente , tobedisei. whether theyare in the faithor word, aTet.¢.z. ma. Q Hon ,