Beginning of aryl. rá;ha=b 6.1 (bowmany wale `bt:her: of it is.the bloudof Chrift which The °n wdrs being the wow ? purgeth the confciencefi I Pet.'fil ;`, oar A. Four:; 3.zIHeb. 9. 14 Éirfe/febe- 4ówgaec. tvhatirtbefitff? Q; what is theend ofark wa- A. A publikehearingwithan ,binginTaptifine? fibeart iii.d. honeft &goodheartf,LakS.:5. A. Thatwelbouldbeholy,& V" ro..a, Q. Whet 's thejecoed? withoutblame, zealousofgoodThomodi.ati- feloned,d A.Daily fearching the Scrip- workes n,Eph.s. 14. hereofwill HowdeththeSacramento ai'"pc °ODe- br;nejagforch tore: whether chafe things fa;ena. Wooden; our- the Lordr flipperMorale our faith? àrary. which wehearthefoc,Aòa7ax e Tryallfiir'e Q What ìsthe third? A. >Becaufeufilewcs the Lords nchaiia death tihén,,.a. A. Tolet itbe out medita- deathvntilhe come,Co.I-t ;ad. beh£u un3oi nro knowwh,tclan° Pfa1.119.97. Cl., Fiewwaft this Sacrament ed;r,aomr, O Wbatit the fourth? Sevfed? áea,eretwo 1p. Toralkeofit Deu.6.7. A Euery manmaLexamine ',Wi a.,v. 4Z whath thefecgad megnet. i himfelfe, andEater hm cuteof{llrk <éjr- 'wirer un y> aitb the bread anddrinkeof thecup na iosdeyr inoar holyF ? canoe. hvmi Y.. A. Praying in the Holy I 'SYUredived. QY6'hatnrupfeeseryCbriejliae on ofcods eprGhoft=, rude 20. sir, Q_What ie Prayer? make account of; that hdldeth A. Apouring out of thevex this roterfe? yTherefore ry foul:before the Lordy, I , Sai .A: That her muff through ptavecmu a bte la P al.61.8. many affliftions enter into the foal g, &£ th. bwQ#ewem /tpray!? mediator gd oodf of God, b,atffid?o4? o But ono,, A. There is one=Mediator, A. Yea, in fundryrefpcfts, nrrrisbur oee IefusChrift,r Tim ,a.3, PJal.t 29.71. God, Q Knowwee how to prayas Q`Whatie one2 see ought? A. Before wee bee afiifted kèfeiwenie a A. No: yet Gods Spirithel: bwegotaftray,Pfa1.119.67. tn..°cstv.a ethour infirmitiesaRom.8.a6. Q. Plat re another ? o tofreevs pQWhatie thebejtrule ofpraier?. A. Inooraffliftionweewillromthecon er hrthv, how demncrioé thae benaneo< A.ThatwluehChrifttaught, feekeC God Hoje:15: ,l flues ,ewe Mat .6.6. What toa third? the4oaá,cco,, b Q Wbatrashetbirdmeaperfor A: Affliftion maketh our'°hn0o$tha b ocein, they faith much more precious Then omf hi:áiea, befezh e,thty oartptY#aall intr:afi? andour experi doccoofnme A. Thevfeóf the fealesbof golds I Pet,.t.7. nceofco site Hewman forts e a lilfioat s ne oo,ra on<lyrner Righteoufneifes the two Sacra- y( f byamion, ,,Zes eAO ntents,Rom.4.11: be there? byrho( t, (Z What be they ? A. Two inward andoutward. .4. Baptifme.stnd the Lords eherigherfn4 Suppers; 4443s.To: r Co.r 1,23: thefrhe ontw,rd HOWdab Baptifine flreag- ant bcm, t fau°rof then Mr faith; Oldfmtherourò- God inCh,la bedlam? ¡hallbe foaled Ió l. ou A. When weedoedulycon- ñwaaan5, Eiderthe natureand endof Bap- whichboth de- tifine. Ìahov:o ra whatis the eater: ofBap,. new tOreh,,od t;tmeo rrr °'d A It is the wafhingElofthe 0 öfó ; maim birth.'14.3.5- flott' Vtie.ewl.s, fay Q ÿ Cate the wajsiagoftht nninn ont our ? IineliEeatio & deii,ra,c ieiaum A. Baptifineisbut a figure < Slane an Q`YVbat beinwardafflictions? A. Satans buffetings,andthe dre wing byour owne concupì= mrnc oarrnpri. fcencem aCor.1z.7.lau'.1.14. onandcone C. Howdoth Satandealtwith rn,rawdloth in God; children ? ic, choral A. He clothwinnow them as Landry tented: ^ wheate, LHhca a.31. on, oth inapply- Q. What is our duty therefore? ;ngtheinweoa A.Tobe lober 0&watching , ¡n"d ,.I putnisi&on the wholearmour of ,^din AZ IC .a a mer_ God,' Pe; 5.5. Eph.6.11. sßa: fm;:hr, 1(,`. What isour comfort herein? p For ,Dep,re- A. atilt bathprayed thatour }>ni« o P pp z faith