Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

674 2+heDoffrineofthe rnr pnyer for faithmaynotfaile9,tnk, zz.3 úen;r;Nlr,;, Q,Tea,bxtthediNellitaremit, Eoralibeleeucrs, . Qokar9. Lyox. =chritt byóis A.Greater is hewhichis inN sprit. (Satan the then he which in theworld f A. Yet a good confcienceg rh g tisacontinualfeafb,Pr,.,5.15C d,foo',,i, Q. What it affrlJienin amans el°1h ode( 5, perforo? Msowncxeto lincvprigntly. A. Sickneffe and death. na<^nt;nn,u O What is the fir, thing to be om'g,nor %, - doomhe ók,efc? A. We mutt confeffe againf e ;our felues,ourwickedneflevntois,nneiad,e d the Lord,Pfal. ;z.5. Q;what if ourcomfort intleknef? foremuftt,d; be A. That the Lord will turn all'°°kea n, ourbedk in ourficknes,Pf.41;3 Hew ifthe Lord reconer vs?geneforrhá' A. Wemuff fineno more' ' f<n''. left awortthingcome vntovs, hasg®r,á !.4.5.74. Aswe dm be for Q\!r it NO lawfnllte LP charms t Goaaotn for theerrrìxgofdi¡eser? ^^';fitiurún, A. Let therebee no charmer sa.J.3. found among you, faith God,, Om,Ig.IOili, QBNtyes many have been ho1- pen byfrothmanes.. Thisisehè e/4 Wemaynot do euil,that <am°^pr<t<aee goodmay comethereby Ro.3.g.hóe:o`;iidá;,rs refpeecr f b principal:dxty in sr ?' figa <co A.Todiedaily^,Corls.3l.á ñm° ÿ;<ÿ Qwhat se thebelt comfortwhen nirki eking the timeofdeparting io at band.' (or eatly,nd A. That wee haue kept the ape`,°piá S `° faith °, z Te'm.4.7. Hans beet Q. What betides Qof.r3inshe AThat Chrif hath plucked rk«rorh^°f out theflingofdeath, whichis p sine being finneP,10r.15.55,56. Pr000^d deers Q` whenwill Godwipe awayaB roe., aange.. ttaresfromthe eyes ofhischildren?. A. At thetime of refrelhingv, rhardmac ie Rem. z I4.Aets.3.19. re dmt offull Q`what rime it that? Rovadi A. When that fame Iefus Chrif which is nowpreached vnto vs, fhall come to Iudge. ment, Akt 3.19. Q. It that taremare? A. TheIudge ftandethbefore the doore, lam.5.9. Inwhat mannerwillbe sawn? A. Inhisglory,& allhis holy Angels withhim;plat. 25.; I ;, .2; whatwill hedoewhenhe cam- eth? A. He Prince andGod 1eh. of world, '1'd: : co=:c 4. Qa Hewdethawkwardcoma preens 4.fìr t 011? A. When it leaden vscaptiu that wee cannot doe thegoo hewo o(r,k which we would',Rom.t 7.9.2; betwixtiheielh ;,whati,.oursixtyhereupon ? cdscnáá A. Tokeepe our heartswith Gataae.,y. all diligence., Prom4. 23. nrmtenir.mo- what it ourcomfort inthissafe? tions mayeither potarife,or may A. Gods power ismade per_ brh o, fe&byour weaknes,sCor.1Z. prated. mademor, ,Q. Bm alaffe we come forthem antedlt, ofowe/mees? àyaccepúng A. The Lordwill fparevso, thewmtare asa man fparethhis ownefonne aeta,acrs,ro thatferueth.him, 011.141.17, Pxreofo thechildofGodfall intofontfort le mill? A. Thoughhefall,yetheíhal not becurt off: fortheLordputs ycodpr,r. r. under his hand s,Pja13.7. z4. merhrhegood whatbecntwardaff/illiens? works be path bogun,Phll.yo. A. In good name, in goods, . inperfon. Qwhat.is affliction ingood name? A. When all manner of euill isfpoken againf vs for Chrifs o Por mati<era Cake. faflie',Mat.5.Ir. f°nr°o m ho,'. cafes? t Whatmug be careon/heh atetnoneof . Tohaueouiconuerfation ynr+frra: an coil! aotr,t Pet. honeft, that thofe which fpeake euill,may either be conuertedb, Y wnóo<ery óralhamed^,t Pet. z.iz.Tit.z.g. have no iuR (V harts ourcomfort in this deft? anteofroprock A. The reward is great in 'gilt: aheauen,o3vfai.1.sz. mtortin the O. what is affliction in goods? 31";ar,ncb, A. Loffes ofdiuerskinds. Q`what is chiefly tobe thought upon enfrchanaffliction? A. Thatwee open not our rp mouth, becaufe it is the Lord fTriocomrto that hathdoneitf,PfoL39.9 aaèb his G What is errcomfort herein? pidanÿ7lp7.t A. The Lordis able togiue VS more,z ('bran, z5.9. Q`BNthow ifbefldl kepev, low? m cau4ofallf,ck. urs,andehere f