BeginningojChri/1, 677 el. Hcwill feparatethefheepe Q whatthings mull ehieflybe .13.."1.,..g from the goatesr,M4t. z5.3 2, award in freaking ? to ems (pan- A. Lying ,fwearing,filthinesondaaycrhe Q. whe be hi.!hope? This irraurá yracnin;;o,'h< A. They whichheare &.know foolifh talking, idling, railing', Gofprl.Ma3 sr ! Eph.,%am.5.1 a. t Car. =,n fcv.ord. m 1, icef,andfollowhim°, oh, vicar, wpthea acor. nThatranrhof j0.4,27 5.11. aa,Epn. doe,;ne,and Q; Who be theyam? Q What company mief weee3r, á e =ve 'eh to B. They whichbeleeuenot", keepe? . tanñtbyaim: lah.x c.z6. A. All ouredelight muff bee gWee n,y,nd at Not newlyo- Q. ',nowi!!hefay to thefbeepe? to the Saints h in earth, Pfalme molt mrwr° °- aenfiohels,but A. Come yee bleffed, inherit 16.'. thus al °n<nf fuchas Fifty, but notof k.a9uw of a%xndome,r_Atstt.2 What nowffwee doewhen Wet delight: godiincR,bur hWhich make 0,,,,i, pow. Q-What wagroo ay towerates? come tooar notate? oar<;rnm efx. cthereof. A. Depart frommee, yeecur- A. Wee mull looke i vpto5,1 53,. They arc fed,c3lter.zç.41. Heauen,andgiuethankes, Mat. l;L,;,fr7 "` ChrisItom.t. Q,Whatfhaithen becomeofthe 14.19. fheepe? Q; How manythingsmuff chief. slu hieprefence A. Where Chriítis=, there ¡ be lookedveto w ourdiet? rh f ihctr<°ffballtheybealfo,Tob.14.3. A. Three. ioy.Efm- tc. ''' Q,_ What fhall happen to the Qe_ What ie the firf} ? goetet? A. That our hearts bee not y they-manbee A. Euerlafling perdition y,2 oppreffed with furfetting and éneraymg, Y.Thef/:1.9. drunkenneffe,Lukq 21. 34. wo,rdn. Q.JWbat muffwedoetilt'that day QWhati, ond? remmeth? 4. Thatwee forget not the zNorenning,ic A. Looke for it =andhaften worke k ofrhe Lord, [fa. 5.12. kThrendwh, farr<off,buc@d toit, praying daily: Euen fo; Q,. What ie the third? vhfode.°"eth <.9cemgi4 Come Lord Iefus, z Per3. I2. A. Thatofthatwhich remai- lieu.z2.2o. neth,nothingbee loft, loh,6.12. Q. Ought not femetime if eroe- AdireEtion for amans daily ry dry bee fer apart forftrituall cariage. vfet ? A. Wee mull cederme the l,h!ake theb<it QWhat oaf ear werk9he iu time becaufe the daies are euill,l "r of°m rim,, ibemerning? Eph.5.16. i A. To let our prayer come Q._ .Afay'estrsrreatior. be/bus,. before the Lord, and to praife timevied? suchare evo aWhichheè hismercy a, Pfalme88.1 3.Pfa1. A. Yes, there is a timeto ofd,oç ryerra, ihGçu in out whichbeget a pro. 59.16 laugh,Era. y 4, gnrnr r ana Seruuion:and , Q. whatmug oserapparrei bee ? Q,. What ktndeffportsmaywee impndrney,or do isto A. Such asbecommethrhofe vr? nand°heyvpoa eh., to akewieh I hazard,bung Goa. which profeffe thefeareofGod A. Such as bee of goodre- nr=ere,r,ei- bTherfomnei- bi Tim.2.Io, ort ar, Phil..8 her°Nit oc hrrcohlybr i 4 body, Thee yond abdity,nor Q, What it the nexttobee dens? Q,How many things muffbee bane thegood tonamb<ynna A. We lootrdteintheveofoar delight, ? r o °a" net y. k f l óftberriprure eE"evmaa bufineffewithquietnes Thei: A. Two. nor frh<god- nn nOéGn acne f "R acct- 4.1 1.2 Theft 12. Whatet theSell ? yPaul ioynerh Iìng,Gen.;.rc. Q;What muff chiefly beecared A. That our reioycing hin-cioycing with dToremcmba b;,,1kG, forinoarbafinePe? dexnotbettexduties ^,x7hefJësyrayer,t °'<arh B ise- pce[ence,andro A. Towalke withGoda, 16,1 y. iL'wnenithin- féektoaypcone , drechprayer, r Selves unto Gea5.z2. Q; whatis thtfeeand, our chr;aian'. him. Qwhat mullearfpeeehbe? A. That wee caufe not ourliber,yovfç Such A. Gracious <cghr- eSuchaea<nf waiese,Cal. commodity to fpoken A,mongi ir lhe grace ofthe 4.6, of',Rom.r4.t6. etheground ucre. p Whaiofiicenr nrrt ßp3'