Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

678 The Vocirine o f the . What ktheeuenigduty? Q. Tt thereany othereh, q what bath beenoarbeha- A. To examine our felnesq A. Wemuft not foinewith the aour that ay. opon our bed, and cuery man to that are fediciousy,Proie.z4.zr. fay tohimfelf,what haueI done? yrheferhree PJa1.4,4,ler.$.6, The Miniftcrsduty. iaaerand=s, Pomhom fie Q, VVhar mxflwe doeelfe? YYhatit the Afiniflertdpty ?for ,offub- r That the A. Pray r Pal. =moatr =i; nfrheaaypan Y , f SS i7 A. Totakehcedtohis Mini- wen=erakr:hn evbe pardo. Q Moir manythingr makefleep fiery which hce hath receiued thazis f.owill ned,and in the comfortable night fbuowmg f thathe fulfill it, Col. ' Pr v,wiLT ddmr 4i7 h=a,,b ybrpre A. Two, Q_Howmay that bedw? ná in arebeu. we ma Vhatistheone? t Q V Bywatching continuallyo- fintheduties A.Honeft labour.fEecl.ç,tr. uer the flocke=, ¡fa.6n.6.AÛtsp,,satante. fa mans law- Q. Whatit theother? 20.2$. keth eoneinnaily feJlcalhng' A. Agodly care to thriue in todeuoure. g Y a By beefingdiligentto know aThirwitofsa Religion,Prou. ;. r 3. z t.z4', theetateof hisflocke Prsp. iomonmaybe tReade the piece,andfo much Mall appear.. A. Loueit notleft thoucome 3 By gluing attendance to la topouerty, Prtu.ao. l 3. readingb, t rim.4.1'3. he;,s. ' 4 Bynot beingintangledWith bn=muaheitai the affairesofthis life, zTem.z. m,yftfe " 4 btfulloE e Bybeeing inftant in pera- w; v itm ii hingthe word%-2 Tim.4.z. no edminien 6 ByCatechifingd,Gal,6,6, d,e sacram=nta 7 Bybeeing an example to regveira. them that beleeue,iTim.4.t a, dThewmdiu ,f. What is thepunmentofa uá¡=tomuem'0 negligent tLliNJiér ? A. Godwily requirethepeoples blond athishand, Ezeeh.3 3.8. Q, Flew many things arechiefly neceffaryfor him that isto be 41167 NiflCr ?` A. Two. Q. What isone? A. That he hold fall the faith- full word=,Tit. I.g, cue be al Whatirtbeether? offound aá men uì A. That he be able to exhort with wholefome doftrine, and improue them which fayagainft filemufthavt 'if thegift of The Peoples duty. ewchi,g, Q, VVbatistbepeoplerdutyinre- parel offilchaMiner? A. The peoples dutyhath branches. Q VVhatir'thefirfi. A. To obey and fubmit them- Teem felnes s, Fleb, t 3.17. = ofdoarfnc Q What is the ecand? n dponeróf f e,imrmcion. A. To haut him in fngufar Ioue, and to know himh,,Thef h To reuecerwc 5r;. him. Q. What isthe third? TheMagiftratesduty. re,fonauduties Q_ What k the principal! drayof c theL/l agifrate? A. To beautifie the houfeof uToadvance God',Em-a.7 z7 andReligion: thisbclonas Q. Howmeeji becarryhimjhife authority on "n ambngthepeople? :ac- rd,ngtoh,s A. Asa Minifter of God for ,v eren&hc the peoples wealth, Remares ionciI iIcer. I;,q, Q;How(hall heprocure thepeo- pleswealth ? A. Ifbee beeforthe praifeof them that doe well, andthe pu- nfYhment ofmilldoers: ,Per. z. 24, Q; PYbaei<indofinenare fit to Magigrates? A. Men of courage, fearing God, dealing truely, andhating couetoufneffe,exed.i $.a t. The fubieftsduty. Q`VVhata the Subiebfs duty? A. Tobee filbie&forconfci- xnmoingma- encefake',Rem.,3.5. gidracy to bee YVbat eft? Gods ordinance A. To prayfor them that are tc tftl,ey bee in authority a i Tim. 2.2. good, that they Q. What behder? rsb=ar`n° A. Not to cur thcacd,ifemu, fe the Magi-. b that ftratefo mnch as in a thought, =raformca. Ecclefajesro,io, mg A. To