Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

Beginning A. Tomake himpartakerof all their goods,Ga1.6.6. Q`what isthePerth? A. Toprayfor himthat vtte- rance maybee giucnhim, Eph. 6.19. Q. Whatifthe fife? A. To reed=noaccufation ;1rwe:,a;ao-fuddenlyagainfl him', 17ím.5. rió fpeei- 19. ril ulcrs,brrcmay Q.Whyminfl thepeopletheo cary boappliedto themfelnestetheir vYfrnifier? A. For threecaufs. What é:the fir'? ? A. Becaufe hee worketh the kHeisimlo- LordsworkeK 1Cer.r6.io. ed in the!'" arhe Q,What ea thefeceed? e{sg<gob,L A. Becaufe he watcheth otter Hphq.,,. their foules, andmuff giue ac- rrher<£ore h<Y count thereof", Heh.13.17. c<rne;rovine <srharw;dr- Q`Who itthe third? A BecaufeótherwifeheIlan m He isbound 000fcoo,o,,O doehis dutywithgriefe, which ñoo heh.wh,ch is vnyprofitabie for the people. ml heLord fee- H " etl.I'.I g hegriefeof Houfhold duties. his foulgwill poi()) thole QWhae it thedrayofthe Mesf}er rvhicl, caard or. ofebefamilyformatter: efReligion? A. To command his houfe- hold to kccpe the wayofthe of his end Lord n,Gen.18.154 h,maRh,nere- Q,Whatis his duty for outward bg ;nrrs <.ar,r: thing:? anm. prayer, A. Tomake prouifion for rngreadios thofeof hisowne houfhold, r ámaitrfoos 011.5.15. boinghis people Q`Whatis the biller dary in theft rorhe<ongre- oarion. thing:. sYhnnen A. Toboa hclpetoher rHui_ ptohsin mar- band :Gen.2.18. ttrsofRetigion Q Whatitthe mans dutyin re- d in outward things. lard ofhie seife? A. Todwell withher, and to loueher as his owne body, Eph. 5.2S.1Pet.2.7. . Q. What is the woman: day to. her Htuband? A. Tobefubie&tohim, as kntothe Lord°, Eph.5.5a. Lng]y&<h<cr .Q What ishie duty whom God £wyina;naw- bathmade.: Father? rturbmga: A. Tobringv his children Iodrgmn. e, 5 P swldmohOne(inthe inítruRion and informa- s,g¡ng, tioliofthe rLord,Eph.6.4. ofCh;ifie 5 p Q_ what it themothers hay? A. To nourifh her children andinítruâ them : 1 7,m.5. l o. Pron. 31.1 £. Q. what is the millers deity ire t$alomonrr. refpeLll ofkVferuantet lecodowne r< ? 1 <Rn,vhich his A. Todoe to them that which ImPn"'' mast ìsiufandequal' n,Col.q.1. riirl,nanre,e QWhat if children: dayto their °Ì aa,rchor parent: ? d bar ne;oy,_ A.Toobey them inthe Lord: bnfio r,00 irhz 9%Epb.6.1. ch doe vim wic6 r`~ Q;Wbat if children, day each to rhThaz î which ether? theirbond}Et'. A. Nottofallout,Gen.4S.24. Q what isfertantt diode? fakeaÁrioio A. Infingleneffeofheart and °"0breaaho£ all good faithfulneffe to pleafe theirmafters,yea thoughthey be froward, Eph.6.5. Tit.2.10.t, Fer.2.18. The duty offingleperforas. O.Wbat is regurred ofperfores unmarried? A. Ifthey cannotabilain they rids a ç<ne,,t midi marry 7, 1 Cor.7.9 mandemeni Q, Hommull theymarry? apperraming to A. Onel in the Lord 5,1 Cor 'urrrsof"en, Y ofv,rhe,r,ond 7.19. ofParenr :,ana Theduty ofneighbours each öFH lirehad gron, toother. Q whatis required ofaeighbers that lineandeonaerfe together? A. To confider one another to provoke vnto loue, and to good workes : Heb. 10.24. Qe Howmu,&weebee :failed ire refpeblcf:bop thingswhich happen to ourneighbours? A. Wee mutt rcioyce with themwhich reioyce, andweepe with them that weep= Re. 12.5,:rzereadvr, Q. What a the benefit ofagood`,;r<,, cr;we< neighbour? ar<,bl A. Heisbetterthena brother @s above abili- afarreoff ',Prom. 271fJ. ryça herìnplace What is the be]?manure na' Bind axo- prefereiegoodneighbeart? &ion, A. Hethathath friendsmuft thew himfelfefriendly,Pro 18.24 Q. Bat how ifthere be iarring fonetne? A. Let not the Sun godowne vpon yourwrath, Eph ,4.26. PPP4 ` QPa