68o 774TocErine ofthe Q. Pnt cafe a manbe denypro- ofGod and theaighteoufneffe uok ? thereofh,Mee6.3,. órnatn<wnea A. Be not ouercome with e- OMben miffbe the peersmanrcomrncobceb< will , but ouercome euill with ioy? heiar of cea: goodneßè,Rem., 2.21. A. That he is exalted( tobee kingdom who', amollhoch manyene the childe of Godbygrace', ) i rhods the - moos, whatis the befl reapshave lama .9. meaning ofthe peace? The duty ofagedperfons. hat pine. A.Ifamans waiesplea1 God, Q What is the dopyofthe aged he will make alfo his enemies be man ? aNamely, voles at peacewithhimb Prou. u 6. y. A. To be fober, hone4, dif- theEord in his Q how ifaman line in aplace creete,foundinfaith,inloue,and wiemme know o wicked thatit is not a e for him patience k, f. to bee betters k If s P Tir.z.a kTher anú« vs to bee eo. almofttobefamiliarwith4any? QWben is¿gea crown oft loo . d of rdwith the A. He muff ffriueto thinelike A. When it is found the all buifpeeiaa mañc; of epilt Etheaged. a light in a naughty and crooked way ofrighteouCnes.Pro.r6.31. i rbu;s,when generation,Pbtt. a. o QLWhat is required ef Elder ;r ao h trait' Je= A dircaion fortmatcers of comma. Women? f<cue rcu<r<aee C\Howmw/pmscan, ourfelnes e.4. To beeoffuchbehauiour In mindealmdfwithmen? asbecommeth holineffe, and to A. Wemuff neither oppreffe inftru&the yonger women:Tt, 'ray hood and <nordefraud a anyman Many 2.3,4. me ,d k_ thing t Tbef.4 6. The youngmensduty. Ings,,yf ryn o ;. Q_What i° the rulebywhichall Q How many bee the dutiesof g<.;ai <. our colorablemief? beguided? yewngfolket? aeycunning A. Whatfoetuer wewould that A Three efpecially. ondf,cireoo` men fhmilddotovs, wemuffdo Q whoutheNI? s;ghrs, &<. Caen foto them,Mru.pt a. A. Toremember their m Crea- ar ro<onrmta The richmans duty. zor,Eeslef,tz.t. h< ;rfremy,oa Q. Wbatie thefeeond? o heknow- Whatitherichmans dut y? . Tobefoberminded, 'and aid,ócdA .Tohonour God with his to fleethe luftsofyouth,Tir.z.6. riches: Prem. 3.9. glm. 2.22. Q. How is thatdoneprincipally? Bániui<<dr; oe.Ifhebe richin goodworks, ttbarirthetbird? a<ut. s. a. ayod and ready todtf ribute trim. A Tohonour the perfonof rmn<rimeby 6. i theaged, Lenit.19.3 2. for.iningdebts, it!herewrthall Nss.&<. I-Iówmanytbingtmuflarich mannredrefebuway ?fkallayeung man takcheed of. A. In taking eede thereto A. Two : highmindedneffe, g .hesinoods fa- and confidence in his wealth`: En conceitthat according toGods word, Pjal. uour,andfuch a 119.9 man ashoe a ty. Thef ought to be,be- \ Whatmufl be the rich mans ummeofall. caufeh<is rich. y? Q. Wbateithe briefsjummeef gáyr ng he fB thewbele dut ° maw? y and dan Thathoeismade low s, y f g roftiches Iam.1.1o. A.Tofeare God andkeepe Tobeeuernn Thepoore mansduty. his commandements e, Eccles, notrooffwa OWhatu the pooremans day ? rs.13. r;h eers A. To learnetoknow how to Q WbaYie theriwardofa? <y<oñ renew A. Hethat doththefethings i awivanato o. haue want, íhallneuer bee moued. Pjabm be abafed, and t roñtke Phi1.4,r 2. QWbac is the heft meaner by t 5.5 wotofr iva as whichaman may beafftered, while pfa,r:y,s}, bebuetbneuer tofall intoextremity? Let Godalonehoe theglory. A. To seek fieft the kingdom` A