Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

marczeorm To the RightVVorfhipfull,theLadyMary Strode, of , frringhxm in Deuonf:re. Adam, ifI fhould undertake a difcourfe ofthe worth and excellency of Prayer, it would bee ninthharder for metokeepemeafure,then to ba furnifhedwithmatter. How isis commandedby God , and commended by the frequentpradlile of all the faithfull, there is nomanreading the Scripturecan be ignorant: and what fweetneffe it bringsto theSoule and Confcience,by having fuch a continual) entercourfe and communion with the Lord,I hopeyour Ladifhip canwitneffe fromyourowneexperience. This is all) willfay on the behalfeofPrayer,that as is is one ofGods titlesof honourto be filled, hearerofPrayers', fo toeallvpon thename ofthe Lordsisput forthe whole dnty,andas it were the life and fubflanceofa Chriflian b. Prayer is that which a feafoneth allother- feruiceswhichweeoffer untoGod, it is anargumentofa aTins.s.tq. mans cffeeluallprofiting by 'other exesEifesofgodlineffe, it is a thing which theperfecutorsof the Saints, when they violently caufe all publikeaáls of worfhipping Godto beintermitted,cannot abridgevntill life it felfe beextin- gnifhed. Muchtalking there is of Prayer in the World :but if, letting aCcde menslip deuntior, enquirybemade into them, what apprehenfiontheyhaue oftheir ownewants, what conceit ofthe Maiefly andprefence ofGod, what knowledgeand vnderftanding ofhis promifes, what care (when they cometo pray) to watch ouertheir owne liraglingthoughts, and to tie therehearts to thatbuCneffe of deuotion, wee (hall find fuch an vniuerfall fcarcityof thefe things, that it may be fafclyaffirmed, that albeit therebe many kneelers and fpeakers,and repeatersof words,yet there are fewtruePetitionersuntoGod. Now amongchofe few which make confcience to perforatethis dutyas they ought,I haveobferued a great defe6l: namely,that for want ofexercifedwits, of knowledge in theScri tures, andefpeeially ofexperience inthe power of Gôdlineffe, andofa lively fente and diflin& conceiuing of their owne perCo- nall neeeffa ties,thryare notable tobe their ownemeffengers,nor to doetheir owne errand,in prefenting thefacrifice ofprayer beforethe Lord.They would pray wish their Families , but theyknow not how : they haueawillin.neffe upon other occaOons to become Caters unto God ; but they cannot deuife which way tobeginne. Tohelpe theft Ihaue lately taken a littlepaines: not with an intent tobinde their deuotions to mywords, (for whoamI, that I fhould takeuponme tolimit themotions ofanother mans heart toa forme of mydeuifng ?) neitheryet tocherifhanyin this their iafufficiency, todeliuer their owne apprehenfionsand particular cafes unto God : but thatbyfeeing the order and courte of Prayer, and by acquainting themfelues with words and formes offpeech agreeing tothe nature of fuch ancurette, they may at !aft, likelittle children, whobycreeping, andbythe leadingofothers, learne to goe, be able toperforate this holy duty with contentmentto themfelnes, andwith comfort alto to others uponoccafon. Having