The EpiiíleDedicatory. Rauingended this little labour, I emboldened myfelfe to offer it toyour Ladifhip:not fomuch foryour owne need(who I hope are able with Hannah, f.sS*ma.t q, eut oftbeabundanceof inward feeling, topyresnt)ourSoule 6eferethe Lard e: t4 but as a pledgeofnay loue, andasawitneffeofmythankfulnelfe vinoCod for his graces in you, And foleaning this Manuelwithyou, as amemoriall ofthat refpe&which your Ladifhip may many wayeschallenge fromme, IprayGod inChril! to Itcepeyou by hismighty power,through faith,vnto faluation. (Mo% bur), the tenth ofO tober. í6oS.) %air Ladifhips in all Chriflianduty, SAM, HIEKON, TO