d'e4;stWW-Wvis4ts%10114staWtst TO THE CHRISTIAN READER: e < Am not ignorant (good Reader) thatfitformer of o prayerarevérydiflaflfullvntosnany:they areadia gedtóbekndeofconfining & limàtingofgodsSpi- rit.And[omewhich do allow theiria lafullvfeintbe o Congregation ; doeÿetnotfowell approuo themfor 0 prinatepurpofes.Fármineòwnepart,aslfauour o Cher theirfndnefe , ohofcarce account itpraying, vnleffeit be byaBootie; northeir carelefneffe, who labour not to attaíne to an abilïtÿ ofcommending __ theirperfonáll occafioos (manta words ofthemowne conceising)vntoClod: fo¡couldnenerfò Qondrea- fn, whyplatformesofdirellionforthofe, whoareyetbatbeginners in thisfhirituaI exercife of7 raver,Jhould be thought any way comes-ringor needlefe among flChM- ;pans. Thereisagreat deale moreart inthe carriage ofa forte tobeeput vpvnto.Cyod (efpeciallxwhenaman is tobeethe mouth(ethers, asona Family, or invisaing the feke,orthe likeoctafren)then emeryane,thaugh perhapshehauefomegoodfeeling and wnderflanding in Religion, Min atthefirs¡atone vnto.Neither isit(an is retended) asry flraightning or boarding of codsSpirit; but os moans rather ofgnickning and ftirringvpofthe Spiritofhim thatpraytth , when heJhallfee the necefstty of ofbemomngfomecorruptionr,or ofcraningfemegraces, or f gluing thankerforfome blefings receuad, which himfelfe didnot fomuch an thinke upon before. Béfides that wemay , according ashinfpirituall feefing/hall encrea/e, enlargeanyparticular requefl, if itbe motfofullto hisprefentcafe, or ïnfert hisowne more perfonailcon. eernernentr, whichhe whowentabout onely togirt.himfomtgenerall direfliòns,mat not ableto coaie£ lure. Audtouching that whichIáoe hereoffer to the World, Iprofeffefincérely,ihat in myfirfi vndertakngit, Ihad nomoaning to tat¿ vpon mee to fet dowselames for other mens demotions, ortoprefiribe any man in his particular occafionsofgoingtp theLord,tofeakefo orfo,andno otherwife, asthough Iwould reduce allfmpplicati- onrtobepatvp intothehighCourt ofHamm , vmoaproportisn, ándfcantlingof inyconceiming: Hefballwroirg mevery much, whofoeuerJhállfoimagine: Onelytbis was it 'intended-and thought ; flaw the ignorance ofthatplace, where I hued : I badoften andearneflycommended 'Israyer:Ihadmany timer, void.,tiiebeflreafoni Zcould,perfwadedthe ofafit inprimate Families , (perceived reiìhállinfome, a better inclination to it,thenpower topperformeit. Hereupon Ithoughtwith myfelfe, that as familiarCatechifines andplairre. Treatifes have their vie, being. ìoynedto thepoblike. Miniffry,to bring thole, which areyetbut Babes inChriff s, vntoknom- 2r C043 ledge; fealfofomehelpeinthiskindmighthrëgood,tobegetfeéäng, andtobeagoide to tholewhichbane asyet bat t flamtneringand lilpingtanguer, vntill they 'hallbee able,hausngtongues as fined filuetb,plainly anddiflinlllyto fpeakethe language bProú,t,id of Canaan e. For thou camp I game my Bookenogreater ark thenA Helpeunto 5 E5750. tE; Deuotion,becaufelwould not be mfakn,orthoughtta intendanything elf e, bat anely tofarther Voeir religiose purpose, whowould fairelearn tá prayorderly and effiEirsally vntogod. 04iod in thiscourfeIam fuie, that Iam not withoutexam- Q4q pier.