Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

To the Reader. plet.K'orthitDiuineaiü theft lattertimes haws6fomedtheirpaintthis wayt (-Map? IohnBradford,ciblafter Edward Dearing, Mafier Henry SmithAiktafler R. Rogers,'(page4; r. ofhio feuenTreatifet) Mailer Briniley (in thefecondpart of The trueWatch)andothers whomIneed notname. 'mighttelltheeofthe wordsofprayer : which the 'Prophet bade thepeople to takevponthem, and tolay vnto,the .ord , oftheforme whichHabakuckmat montta vfefor.che gnormecesof thepeople e .dithe Many Tfalmes which arefilled; Pralines ofinflrnûion,not and becauft the matterwas ofvfeto inf/ruáChri/tiant, hutalfobecatsfethe verymoxlditfelfmtghtretnaisü asahelp inTraierfortbofe,mbo /bouldatany timefadintothe likeoccafton,which theEnditeroftheparticiclar Pfalmes was exercìfedwith. Theft andother things Imight infftvpon: Bni ¡finda t tlegi.. wen toOne Tfadme;whtchfhadlhevntome infteactofmanyproofer:Pr. toy.it this: A praier oftheafflietedwhen he thall be in diftrelfe,and poureforthhis me- ditationbefore theLord.Wtitch Tfalme,thoughaymingperhapsatfomemorefpe_ ciall afjliEh'on,in erhìch -theferuantr ofgodthenmere yetsnafmrech aliti.reporteddn, the title tohelot. ehegenerall vfeofanafJ/láed perfdn(as indeed it it excellentforfuch anoccafion) iifeemeth tome adnndantly tofetirfe allthofe who/halldoubtofthecon teentencieoffwchfet direátam. Thuc hawingacquainted theewithmywhod einteeet ,andiaboetred(leaftthawphe'G deft befereftalledbyany inif_opinion)to fhémwarrant formydorog,Icommendrty en_ deauours tothee, and thee totheLord, pro,jinghim tofurenth the,-with the Spirit of fwppkcatión,rhatthose maieffbe ful ofholy marter,andfoabounding withgracious fpeech,thatthineability to.setter thineomnefeeling untoCod,maybring muchfioeer_ neffeto thyjeule,andno leffecomfort tootherr,ifthow beatany timeoecafoned tofpeá . in thenameofothers, tohis vrytaisefty;.ddding thiswithal!, that if then ayenenotat thisgrace -, but content thyfifeRillto ieake noother words butfech as areput into thymonth, thanwrengeflthyfelfegreatly,and all tholewhohaue laboured raeh-ee thee yammomperfeáion. Farewell. 'tbinein the Lord, Sam. Hterons