Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

..: _ }.-'+,> -7 i^=,,.`*`",. wnotsr 1 r'r--.,r 3.: r3 o.iiia í A fhortAducrliiement touching I'reparatian beforeFrayer. Inwhich is ihewed x. Thenecefsityofit. z. The mannerofit. 4Eneceff7ty ofPreparation may appearemany wales. t ByourSauióurs platforme, in which the Petitionsarenas fat down, abraptdy, bata folemnePreface ieprefixed, Ikeafaireporch toa beater,fail heap,; toteach 'Vitoframeoarafeftions, andfet them in ch, ad order,befarewedraw Secreto(peak, Tinto theLord. z Byexpreffecommandement.Benot ralh with thymouth, nor letthine hearthe bailie to utter athingbeforeGod. 4 ee dangerous :bingobabble oat vn- aEcdefçd. agefte,l and vnamoledwords in inseares. a By example. O God faithDauid)my heart isprepared, fe iimytongae,b&c. Itwa. thedeferencebetwizr him andhypocrites, that be writhed hisbands in innocency, beforehe woaddrampage the altar`. hPfel. toL.t. 4 By due proportion fromoutward things. Ifamango,beferea Prmce,ora C Plat 2Y,6. manofmanor*. he way tninkyepanhit carriage, /lewid(let hit tale inorder , and meG- t,tewhat tofáy: loon much mere ibexIhoaldwepreparewhen we cometo Oeaftp toGed mho oshigher thentheKings oftieearth? z. Themanner ofpre-SPraying. .l paration flands, m LMederating, r Praying. MI/14Wno that Imalte Praying apreporetdeie toPrayer. entitleea- Piagproparothaweak:fnmacke, andfetteth ang, upon theappetite to ratemire;fono Prays; IbereforeDauidbefare prayer,prayed; Let try praierbedire&edinthy fightasincenfe,&c.Set a watch,0Lord,beforemy mouth,andkecp the door, ofmy lips d. Alitting vpoftxepole to beano, ,tettha diIrreofeGreAton,isagooapre- paratrus. z Meditatin upon threerhin r t GodsMaee ,dPfayt.o'3. g g fly. 2 Godspromifes. 3Orowne vilenefe.7herealm if1;24 : There are three things chieflyrequ fte inpraier,wb, chare he/peaby,ho threefold medaation. t Hamehty and lowhmffeoffpirtt,begotten6, the due confideratran ofGad, ri1alefly;, Confidenceand affrante to be heard,bredby the know. ledge ofGods promtfes : 3 Fernonereofaffection fringing from the apprebenfionoften' cone vifenefew That theMaiolüe ofGodmuff be thonghrvpen,itprouedEccl. i. He thatfpeakes to God, is bidden to rcmember,thatGodis in Heauen. That thepromftm bemultavpon,appearet,z Sam.7.z7.Thouhaft reuealed vntothy feruant,ef.c. Therefore bath thy feruant beenbold topray, c.Gene- fssas.rl rq.I pray thee deliuerme,&c. for thou f .ayedft,i willfurche doe thee good. what coragt canwee ham togoeto the :kroneofgrace washer,, oh, warrant of promf?, Tha,ear en nevileneffèmall be rememhred,it is euidenr, Gen. 3 x. to.I am lelfe then thehaft ofthy mercies,Ex.ra 9.6. 0my God, I am afhamed and confounded tolift vpminteyes, &c.for ouriniquities are increafed,&c. This then prepare thy felfosopray :Exercje thyrhonghte before handvponChef three thing:: t.wbas aprefence ßg9 z full