Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

boo AnAduertifement, &e. fallofmaieftie thoumull moreotto : 2. Whatfweetpromifer hepath made toencoxrage thee ; 3. What seed:bowhaft tofbe tohe ',remit. 7hirwill farm theewith .humility tempered with cheerefulneffe,andboth whetted oosadyxiekaed bythefeelingofthyown' neeefiity. To helpe thy meditsties; - fGoat Maiefly , remember Pfalme t 04. T. O Lordmy God , thou art exceedinggreat, thouartclothedwithgloryand honour, &c. rTrm.6. t 6.Who onelybath immortality,and dwellethina light that none can attainvnto, &c.andinch likeplaces. Tof.pplytheewitbwordsofpromife,eonfrderPfalme50.11. Callvpon me,&c.fo will Ideliuerthee, &c.1fa.65.24. Yea, before theycall, I will anfwer, and whilesthey fpeake,I will heare.lobn 74.73.Whatfoeueryou aske in myname, that will I doe;andneany fncheeflimonies. T. breg thee tofee thin, molevileeeffe,poader¡ob,!.t6. Man drinkes iniquity like water.Cbap. a5.4.He cannotbecleane thatisborne ofawoman. Pfal. sr.ç. Swasborne in inigtuty,&ç. Aom. 7.1 8. I know that in my flelh theredwelleth no good thing. Garber seesawofrlypar,ú elsrf,t.,,,*Iobdid,Chap.9.3. north, felfeofrex in theglaffeoftheLaw r<I