3.6) APrayer tobeprepared and enabledtopray. Lmtghtie and eter- or toprefcribevnto thee,howorwhen nall God, the alone tofupply me. giuerand beflower Letthisexercifeofpráyingbeade- ofall good,without light vntomee, make mee conLantin whofe fpeciall ena- thevfe ofit,knowing whatfpeedyac. tiling, noman bath teathe prayers of Faith haue into power toperforme thyprefence, and whatapriuiledge it anyfpiritualldutyasheeought : Ibe- isfor a mortallman,to haue free fiber- feechthee bee pleated to prepare my tyofvnfoldinghiswants, andlaying heart., ,andtoquicken my affe&ions openhis defiresand griefes before the to this holy feruiceofcallingvponthy immortali God. Euer (O Lord) let Name : Make meto remember both the end ofmy praying bee thyglorie, who thouart, into whofeprefence I andlet me makeconfcience tobeeOil! amcome, andwith whomI haue to asplentilliilinthankfgjujng, for mer- doe, euenaGodexceedmggreat,clo_ cies receiued , as I fhail bee earneflin thed with glorie and honour : and fuing for thofegood things ILand in what Imyfelfeam, ruenduft anda- need of. Grantmethefegtaces,£ormy flies, and a molt vile and vnworthy only.Sauiour and MediatorsfakeIefus finer. Bythis, I praythee tostrike an Chrift.vlmew. awful reuerence in my foule, that I may watch ouer my thoughts, and 1 areMingPrsysrfarpriwgts take good heed ro my behauiour here before thee, 1eí} tnyprefumption and want ofdue refpe& vnto thyMaiefly, * AOft gracious God and toning lhould turn& myprayers into fine. Father, inall humilityoffoule, Giuemeealiuelyfenfeof mine owne and vnfained acknowledgment of perfonall wants, and adiftin&vnder_ our bounden duty, we preterit out (landing, both of thofe good things felues here before thy throneof Ma- which I hauereceiued from thee, and icilyand glory, defiringginfomemea- of thofe rich mercies which in thy fure toLaw outthankflulneffe for the word thou haftpromifed tobellow: multitudeofthymercies heaped vpon that foI maybeefurnilhed withmat- vs thy moll vnworthy feruants, By ter, bothforrequef, and for thanke- theeat the firftwe werefearefullyand fulneffe, andmay becomeable by de- wonderfully made,thou couerdfrvsin glees out of mine owne feeling, to ourMothers wombe, thougaueftvs poste out my foule abundantly before thefrapeofmenand women, whenit thee. ellwaiesletthy Spiritoffuppfi_ was free for theetohaue equalledvs cationbee withmee, toafsiflmee, to vntothy bafefl creatures: fince,ithath fan&ifie my thoughts, to guide my pleated thee topreferuevs, towatch longue, and to helpe mine tnfixnu ouervs, andtogardvs by thyprom. ties. dence,to openthy hand, andtoreple. Induesirewith faith in thyproniL nifh vs with good things, togluevs fes, that I may comeboldlyvntothy foalandraiment, health, libertyand throneofgrace, and may learnt both peace. OLord,thycompafsionsfaile totruft vnto,andawaite forthyfalua- not, but theyarerenewed Burry mot- tion: notdaringto limit thyMaiefly, sing t eueninthis nightpaftwe haue (1.0 3 teed. 689