Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

690 eXHelpevntoDeuotion. felues,and whatáfearefulcafe wehad yet beenin, ifthen hadltleft vs toour felues : that fo the viewof thefe vn- fpeakable and vndeferued favors may euen rauifh our fpirits, and fopolfeffe our hearts,that wemay conftantly re- folue, henceforth toglue vpour felues as alining facrifice, holyand accepta- ble veto thee, and todenote all our powers bothof foule andbody tothe glory and honour ofthy Name. And (Lord) enable vs heereunto wepraythee:for wearenot fulñcient ofour felues tothinke any thing,asof our felues, we axe naturallyreprobate to euerygood worke. Opentherefore the tiesofourmind, that wemay fee whatisgood,andwhat thourequiteft ofvs : teach vsto makethyword out delight andcounfellor thatby'it wee may be informedin thy paths:put thy fpirit within vs,andcaul vstowalke in thyftatutes: letour tarescontinual- lie heart a word behind vs, Paying¡ ?kid istbewey : giuevs hearts ofilefh, yeelding, andpliable alfe&ions :fub- due the crookednesofournature, and bring itunder the obedienceofChrift; Andwhen thou haft entred vs intoa: good courfe, vpholdvs therein, by thy all-fisfficient grace,ftablilh vs ineuery- wordand goodworke,fillvs withthe fruits ofrighteoufneffe, letvsnot bee idle norvnfruitfull inour profefsion: butgrantthat weemay beeuen richin good workes, and fomay adornethe do&nine of thee our Saviour in all things,makingthe aduerfariesofthy truth afhamed, when they fhall haue nothingconcerning vstofpeake euilt of.Andfhieldvs(O Lord)weearneft-. lie intreat thee, againft the malice rageaudfurieofthe Diuelf : giue vs wifdometodifcernehispolicies, and courage to refift euen his molt brie affaults : make vswifeagainftthobe- guiling entifements of this fnfull world:let vsnot becarriedawaywith the fereame of theft corrupt times:. hardenour facesagainft thereproches and enmities ofeuill men : fuffervs not tobee wearied, nor tofaintin our mindes for any tribulations : fan&ifie Vito vseuerya$li&ion thatitmaybet atneanes reeehed an apparant euidence of thy loue. Foewhereas,for the finnescorn- mittedrhedaybefore, thoumightef wen in the deadof fleepe haue taken our foules from vs , and fo fuddenlie haue brought vs to our account, it bath been thy pleafure yet to fare vs : andnotonely fo,but to refrefh vs with quiet re4,and tobringvsin fafe- tie tothebeginningofthis day.Grant (O Lord)wepraythee, thatthe ordi- narievfe ofthefe thy kindneffes, may not makevs the lelfe toefteeme them but affe& oúr hearts with the ap- prehenfionofthem that wee may learne to admire thymercie, which dealeft fo gracioufliewhich fuckvn- thankful' perfonsas weehaue alwaies been, andmayeuen binde ourfelues to (trine to fhewallobedienceand du- tie to thee, which doltfo enlarge thy goodnelfe veto vs. But chiefly (0 Lord)railvp (wee befeech thee)our hearts and our affe&ions from thefe outward favours ( the leaft ofwhich notwithíanding is greater then the belt ofourdeferuings) anddrawl's to the ferious confiderationofthofeblef- frogs, which doemore direetlycon- cerneabetter life,Makevs thankfullie mindful' of the.geace ofele&ion , by which thou freelychoofeffvsinChriit tobee velfels ofymercie,before wee were : ofthyfendingthySonneoutof thine ownbofome,beingin thineown forme , to take onhim the forme ofa feruant , andtobecomeobedientunto thedeath,euen the death ofthecroffe forour fakes : ofthycalling vs outof thekingdomeof darknesby thepow- x ofthe Gofpelipreached :ofthyfhi- ning inour heartsby the enlightning ofthySpirit : ofquickningvs when we were deadintrefpaffes andfmnes: ofthybegetting vsagain vnto ahue-, lyhope:ofthe firftfruitsofthe Spirit, andof thatearneft ofour inheritance which thou haftgiuenvs:ofthedaily free vfe and liberty of thy word, whereby that great myfterieofgodfl- neffe, yea menthy whole counfellis clearly reuealedtovs. O Lord teachvs toconfider what miferable creatures wee werein our