e/IHelpeveto Veuotion a meanes to purge out our corrupti- Heapcthy blefsings vpon our gra- ons.Draw our minds from the loue of cious King , make him a further In_ this prefent World , teach vs tovfe it liniment ofmuch good voto thycho_ asifwcvfeditnot,grantthatwemay fen :profper the soorkeofthine owne euerremember , that we haue hereno hands begun in the young Prince: continuing City : that fo wee may Phew mercy to the ren of the royall fecke for that Kingdome that cannot Progenie. Bei gracious to the Cou0- berlisaken, but iseternallin the Heu- cell, to the Court, the Nobles, the wens : Caufevs to depend vpon thy Generic of the Realme, rant that prouidencc, and tocall our careand theymay all aime at the honouringdf burden vponthee: al-fining our felues thee,by whom they haue receiued ho_ thatthou which halt giuen vsChrifi, flouramongnmen. Be with theMa- carifl not but with him giue vs all giltracyand Miniftryof the Realme, thingsafro. make th word to And (Lord) ifatany timeweefall ofthofewhomthou haft appointedto by occalon into a fault (as whoare the feruiceofthy Church : Contain we that weelhouldprefume? putvn- the tìibiecL5 in their due obedience to derthyhand webefeech thee, definer authority, bring to nought alltumid-. vs outof the mire that wee finke not, tuons and rebellious pra&tfes : corn_ let notfinnefwauowvsvp, letit not fort all thineafffiâedferuants ,refrellt grow ftrong upon vs, left wee pe- them with a fweet feeling of thy fa- . flour. Enable vs vntodiligence,and faith- Giue vs compafsionate hearts, and fulneffe in our feuerall callings, teach a fellow-feelingof others miferies: vs to lift vp our hearts ro thee fora prepare vs esto the day oftriall and blefsinggvponour endeauours, and to keepe vs bythy mighty power, tho- remember that weare alwaies inthy rowFaith vnto faluation. Grant vs prefence : that fo wee may Ludy to thefe goodthings, for Chriftesfake: waikewiththee, and to approueour in whofename we commendout felues very thoughts veto thee. Giue vs a andour fuzes vnto thee, faying as hoe lober vfe ofthy Creatures : make vs . hath taught vs. readie to reach out our hands unto the wants of others : beget in vs a Oar Fthor,erle, godlyicaloufe ouer our felues, that ,InEN¡risprays,firprixnre wewalke circumfpe&ly, takingheed toour felues inour ratings, inrourap. Famdter. parrell, in ourcompany, in ourrecre- ® Lord our God moil merciful! ations , often confidering our waies, and labouringquickly after curry er- and gracious in I , t_ tour, toturse our feete into thy Tefti- which thoudoeefttruenfollowvsthy monies. And (Lord) caufevstobee molt vnthankfiill feruants, wee at earnenly mindefullofthe enate ofthy knowledge this to bee none of the whole Church : bleffe all Kingdomes jean , that wee haue thiscomfortable Bgand Sta espy fefiingohyt nth, bee freedome of comming into thy pre- our fencethereto owre outourfnecefse- times , continue thy Gofpell , difap_ fore ntothe dpto layopen ournecefsi- point thehope and ex e&ationof all ties untoprae. Papifks, let them eñfh asmany as Wee pray the teach vs to value laneruillwill atSion, difcouerAnti_ worth htheeof according to come chriftmore andmore, enlargetheter- toge er the a that wee performance may ritories of thy Church, nablifh thy together cheerful! fis kingdomeofgrace,hanen theKin- Spiriwithgladhenir wee domeofflory, g Spirits, reioytinginitthat have ppportunitie given va , to teftifie Q, q 4 tome 691