692 eA'Helpe'nn fomepartofthat great duty, which in many refpe&s wee owe vnto thy Ida- Andnow(Lord) beingcomebefore thee, weecannotbutconfelfe thevile= neffeofourdilate , weewere concei= ued infine,and in liinne Wehauecon- tinned all Our dayes, weehaue even drunke iniquitylikewater , weehaue dráwneit aftervs, andtieditvntovs ,aswith cart-ropes; wickedneffebath beenTweetin our i'houth, wee haue fauouredit, andwouldnotforfakeit: wee haueevenmade a mockeoffinne, and it hath been a paftime to vs to doewickedly. Thou haft oftencalled vs, butwehauefill refufed : thou haft againe and againe ftrtchedoutthine hand,but wee hauenotregarded:thou haft foughtto reclaime vs , but wee hauehardnedour neckes, as it were Ironfrnewes, andhauehatedtobere- formed. Thou haft waited to haue mercyvponvs, thy Spirithathtriuen with vs, thyvery bowels haue been troubled forvs; and how geaaoully haftthoucalledvponvsby thy word? raying,Retwneres SeeweeofAdam:wbj wiijeedye? COW vAtonee,aodjee(ball findrqf ferpnrfeules.Yet we notwith- landinghaue defpifed thy patience, weehaue abufed thygoodneffe, wee haueturned thygraces into wanton- nes,andhauegiuentheecaufe tóheape vpon vs all thofe fearefull plagues andpunilhments, which in the extre- mity ofthy lawarebelonging to the wicked. Whenwelookeinto ourheatts,we fee nothing but a confuted heape of ggrrolfecorruptions, vanity, ignorance, frowardneffe, vnteachableneffe, dul- nelfe, vnwillingneffe, andvnaptneffe vnto good, proneneffeand readineffe to anymannerofmill;ferule, irreligi- ous,profane, vncleane, enuious, coue- tous, and greediethoughts, peruerfe a ddiforderedaffeflions, allthefe(as i were) marching together to rebell a ainft thee, and leadingvs captiue vntofinne. Thevery wifdome ofour lefh is death, andthe fpirits ofour mindesare defiled : whenwee looke forthintoourliues, wee behold finnes toDemotion; more innumber thenthehairesof our . head:when we take viewofour felues in the Glaffeof thylaw , weecanfee in our bodies and foules, in our out- wardandinward man, nothingbut vglineffe and deformity. Yea, the finessofthis one day arefufficientto bring downe vpon vs the eternal( weight ofthydifpleafure. How neg- ligent haue wee been in ourcallings? How hauewe yeelded toourvnbird- led lulls in the vfeofthy Creatures? Howhaueweecheriihed inour (clues worldlie, carnall, and voluptuous thoughts ? Howmanyblefsings haue we vnthankfullyenioyed, neuerthin- king vpon thee which dideft bellow them? How haue wee milfpent this precious timewhich thou vouchfafefl vs? How many good opportunities haue weeletflip , bywhich wemight haueedifiedour felues,anddonegood toothers? How negligently hauewe keptourhearts? Bymeanswhereof, Satanbath got great vantage againft vs:how flenderly haue weebewailed theiniquitiesofthe times?how poore.. ly haue wee flriuen againfour owne corruptions? OLord,ifthoufhouldeftferaightiy marke ouriniquities, O Lord , how íhallwe ftand,wherèfhallwe appeare, what fhallbecomeofvs ? What an- (were ilsallwebe able tomake thee to one of a thoufand ? And yet (molI gracious God) which isworitofall, cuftome in euill bath bred fuck a hardneffeinvs,and bathbrought fads acraftvponourconfciences, thatwee cannotbeeperfwadedthatthy wrath isfo terrible, orour finnefogrieuous, or our eftatefowad, asindeed itis. Henceitcommeth, that wee doe not land infachawe ofthy Haiefly as weefhould; wedoe notfotremble at thybùlkice, norderme thypromifes andmerciesas weoughtto doe : Wee befeech theetherefore totake the [to- nic hearts out ofourbodies, and to put newfpirirs intoour bowels, that wemaywith feeling,andwitha liuel and fenfble apprehenfon 'confeffe ourfeluestobe, asweáre, poore, and wretched, andmiferable, and blind, and