Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

e Helpev andnaked, fuchas inwhom there is no goodneffe, fuch as towhom there isnothing duebut flame and confu- lion offace for euer. Andhere(Lord) according to that meafure offpiritn- all feelingwhich by thy grace we haue attained to, weedoevtterlyrenounce our felues,we doe wholie d:fdaime all hopeof helpe byour felues, weeac- countall that is in vsbut as droffeand dnng,and doe molt earneftly entreat thee toTooke vponvs in thy SonneIe- fus Chrift : Accepting hisdeath and pafsion as a fufhctent, abfolute and compleat difcharge for all our finnes whatfoeuer. OLord,let thechaftife- ment ofourpeace bevponhim,and let vsbehealedwith his ¡tripes: we haue ' noother name wider heaueninwhich wecanbefaued: andweeknow that thouhaftruled him, andfenthim in- to the world , tofauethy people from theirfinnes: we befeech thee therefore forhis faketobeatpeacewith vs, put away our tranfgrefsions likea cloud, and our finnesasa myft, forgive our iniquities, and rememberouroffences nomore. And withall feale vpto our foulesand confciences. the feeling of this thy loueby thegracious teflimo_ nie ofthy Spirit, thatwemay know that there is peace in Heauen for vs, and that Chriftmsmadeof 'thee vnto 'vs Wifdome, Righteoufneffe, Sanc- tification, andRedemption,and that nothingfballeuer beeable to feparate vs from thyloue inhim, Wedoe beg thisat thy hands, fo much therather, becaufe we fee the vanitieo£allthings in this world : all things in it are fub- lea tovncertaintie: theyare all ligh- ter thenvanity it felfe:But thy loue in Chriít isfitmeand pperpetual.Forwith thee there is no Ihadow of change, thy calling and gifts are without re- pentance:and therefore wepray thee fettle vs in the allured perfwafionof thy loue, to theend thatwe may haue foist comfortable vnderftanding, that whatfoeuer cloth befall vs here, howfoeuer webe tried,yetafter al,we Mall lay downour heads inthy peace, andbeemade partakers of thy glory. In the meant fpace, fo long as thou nto `%eüotáoiz; 693 fhalt bee pleafed torefpite the dayes ofourpilgrimage vponthis earth, we pray thee doe nit lease vs to our felues,neitherforfake vs : butglue vs aspledges of thy loue , thofe fpiritu- all blefsings in heauenlie things, wherewith thou art wont to furnilh thy chufen : that fowemay makeour conúerfation fuch as becommeth the Gofpell we may neuer difcredit our profefsion , or beeafcandall and 6f- fence veto others, but rather by bur holy cariage may provoke and winne others vnto thee. Helpe 'vs to this end, wee befeech thee, againft our manifold infirmities , agaiuft thofe teils to which our natures doëmoft incline, enable vs to flake off that finethat hangers fo faiton, ftreng- then vsto euerygood and honeft du- ty , make vsperfe& in good workes, fan&ifie vs throughout , and keepe our whole fpirits, foules and bodies blamelelfeveto thecomming of Iefus Chrilt. Makevs thankfull (asbecommeth vs)£orthy manyfauours,for thatcon- tinuallpreferuation which thou affor- deft vs, for thecomforts ofthis day, both toour foulesand bodies,for thy enlarging our time and opportunitie to repent grant, weepray thee, that our thankfulnes may not hand onely in outward fliewes, butthat weemay bee thankfull indeed and in truth, la- bouring tobe dutifull vntothee,which artfomercifullvntovs, And inafmuchas, OLord, wedoe profeffe to beleeue the Communion ofSaints , therefore it ecommethvs tobe mindfull ofothersinourprayers betides our felues : wee are filters to thee in thebehalfe ofall thy people, fperfed otter the face of the earth : thou (O Lord)artpriuyto their feue- rallwants: thouartonlyable tomake a graciousfupply : webefeechtheefor themasfor ourown foules.Morepar- ticularly, weponreoutour foulesbe- fore thee , for hofe Churches which amongft vs thou haft plantedand u- nited vnder'one gouernement : Out finnes (OLord) chieflyour contempt of thyglorious Gofpell, doe deferue acurfe