Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

JHelpe Into a curfe, cuen that thou (houldeft re- moue our candlefticke, andcleanput out the light ofthyholie word;withal make vs a by-word to the world , by fome extraordinaryiudgement : But, wee praythee in Chrift vouchfafe to reuerfethofe plagueswhich wee haue deferred , continue thofe fauours which wee haue hitherto enioyed, continueand enlarge the freedome of thyword, ftablilh the truthof religi- on amongft vs byaperpetual) decree, both forvs , and for our pofterity af- ter vs : To this end bleffe all good means : above others our Soueraign andKing,enablehim euerie day more &more tothe difchargeofthat great dutiewherewith thou haft entruíled him : lengthenhis daies, profper his rai ne , defeathis enemies rglue him andvs ioy in his pofteritie : Encreafe wifdome in his Councell, faithfulnes inhis feruants,loyaltieand true-hear- redneffe in his Subieets. Stir vpMagi- ftrates andmen inauthority, to fake theaduancement ofthyglorie,andthe wealthofthypeople. Makethy Mini- fters able andwilling topublilh the fecret ofthy Gofpell, water their en- deauours with the dewe of heauen, that dailie fuch asbelong vnto lifee- tbrnall may beeadded to the Church : And Peeing thou art pleafed to exer- eife diners of thy feruants with the croffe, fome with ficknefle ofbodie, fome withperplexitieof fpirit, fume with loffeofgoods,fomewith reftraint ofhbertie, fornein one kind, fome in another,wepraythee to fweeten their affliftions, and to feafon their for rowes with the comfortofthy Spirit: furnilh themwith a meafure of pari. eree agreeing to the proportion of their trial), andput an end to their grieuances when thou (halt fee itfit. And (OLord) makevsreadie for affiEtion :teachvs toremember, that we muff through many tribulations enter into thy ble d Kinggdome. In our health, make vsmirdtùll oflck- neffe,ofdeath,andofour laftaccount: that thefe things may notcome upon vsas afnare, butthatwe maybe pre- pared alwaies in force good meafure, Deuotion. to fubmit our felues ento thy molt wife andholy appointments. Andnow, OLord our God , wee pray thee, tobeare with the weaknes at d coldncsofourpraiers.Takevs this nightinto thybkffid tuition:we know that thou dolt neither flumber nor fleepe,keep vsfrom euill,keep vsfrom the maliceofSatan, from icurityand carelefnes, from dulnes, anddrowfì- nes offpirit, that if it 'hall bee thy pleafure to let vs Hue vntill the mor- ning, wemaybecome fo much the fit- ter to ferue thee in our feucrall cal- lings, fo asmaybe molt for theglorie of thy great Name, through Iefus Chrilt : in whole namewee commend our felues and our vnworthie praiers veto thee layingas he hath direfted vsin the Gofpell,var Father,&c., A(MorningPrayerfer aprima,. Perim. ¡ Almightie Father, the Father V ofour Lord IefusChrilt , and in him myFather alfo how vnworthie and wretched a creature were I, if receiuing fo many blcfsings from thee, 1fhould not flirre vp my felfe to return fome thankfulneffe Into theefor the fame? Itiseuenthou (O Lord) which from my firft beingvn. till now, haft couered usevnder thy wings, and ender thyfeathers Ihaue beenpure. My body and foule, my health,my ftrength, my maintenance, whence haue I there things but from thee? The fafcty of this night, the quiet reft wherewith I haue beenre. frefhed,to whom can I afcribeit but onely veto thee? That I hauehued hi.. therto, that Ihaue notbeenfwallow- cd vp with fomefuddaine iudgement, that Satan bath nothad his will vpoit mee, that I know the way and the meanesestoa better life, that Lam dehuered from the power of darke_ nes, and eradiatedintothe kingdome ofthydeareSonne, that I haue daylie acceffe into thy glorious prefence,: Whence are all thefe, but from the freedome of thygrace? Ifehouhadft gixen nice my defct, IShould haue perilhed