èflHelpé vn perilhed long agoe : it is from thy mercie alone that h am not coufu- med. O Lord makemeeafhamed ofmy vnthankfulneffe, wound my heart with the cohfidérationofmy owne dulneffe , whom fo many kindneffes haue not wrought vnto mote obedi- ence. And vouchfafe,I pray thee,not- withflanding the fmalncffeofmyde- feruing, yet to looke graciouflievpon this my morning facrifice of "praire, which I doehere tender veto thyMa- ieftie: let not Ibefeech thee,the fcant- nette and barrennelfe of my feruice, make thee to turne awaythine ties, andto haueno regard veto mineof- fering. But as thou art wont tofpare thySeruants , evenas a man fpareth his owne Sonnethat feruethhim and in themto accept thewill for the full performance : fo bee pleated to looke vponmee in Iefus Chrift, and for his faketo remit my former. vngrateful- neffe, and to ftrengthen met bythy grace for the time to come , in tome good meafure to reforme the fame: And to theend (O Lord) that I may manifeft the truth ofmydelire tobee thankful!, I befeech thee to beget in meaholie care both this dayandfor euer, towalke worthyof that calling whereuntoJam called, to fludie to pleafe thee withreuerence and feare, andby ablameleffe, pure, and vere- bukeableconuerfation, ro fhieras a lightamongtí men. I cannot, I con- feue doe this ofmy felfe, Ihaueinme the fame corruption ofnature which the molt wicked hath:I intreate thee therefore to work in methat which is pleafant in thy fight:Giue mea clean heart and aright fpirit : make mee to vnderfiand aright the wayofthy pre- cepts, dire&mee in the pathofthy commandements, knit myfoule veto thee, and make it tocleave veto thy teffimonies : flay me and ftablifh me, that my foote-rteppes maynot Hide. Crucifie myfIefh withthe aftè&ions and lulls:mortifiemy members,which are onearth :.füppreffeand fübduethe law inmymembers, which leades me captive vnto the lawoffnne. toDouala), 69 Grantthat I.may fenfrblie,feele the power of Clarif sdeath ,killingcor ruption in me,andthe powerofhisre- furreftion,raifingmevp intonewneffe oflife:makemeto refolue torenounce even my fweeteff and beit-Pleafing fins,and not totake libertyto myfelfe to continuein any knotvnevngodlj ëffe. I et it beeotigh thatIbha!aphither.. togiuen the rainesvetomy,onkt(}g: grant that hereafter I may Take ,no thought forthefefh,tocontent it,but mayltriuerathertocurbeand fabdue obedience. And(good Lotd)increa e my faith, and better my feeling.and apprehénfionpf thy loue,, that I: may With courageand cheerfpines runthe tace which is let before glee c Bleffe me alto this dayin theduties ofmy calling. Idleneffe andgodlineffe cannot a- gree:and it is thywil,thatin thefweat ofmy faceIfhould cate mybread:pre- ferue mefrom all fraudulent,guilefiill, opprefsing,greedie courfes:Drawmy affeetionsfrom the loue ofthe world: Fixe myheart vpon thethings which are aboue;ifthings fucceedaccording to mymindc make mee thánkfullto thee which haft giuen the blefsing: if any crone come makeme patient and careful! to profit by tuerie chaftffe- ment. Andbecaufe the daily occalions of- danger tomy fouleare infinite, teach me toputon thy whole Armor,and to keepe myheart with all diligence , to furnifh my felfwithholy meditations tomake a couenant with mine eies,to keepe my mouth with abridle for the auoidingofall filthiecommunication, to vfe filch words as may minilter grace veto thehearers, tobe foberin diet;wary indifports,moderate in ap_ parell,choife in mycompany,andeuer topraftife that continuallfeare which batha promife ofbleffednefle.Finally (Lord)foguide methrough the courfe of this whole day both in mypri- uate and more publike imployments, that if I liue by thy fufferance vn- till night , I may haue much com- fort in the taking noticeofthygrace and