Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

e11Helpe untoDeuotion. Thou haf'tprmiCed,not to quench andprote&ion oucrinne this night: the IrnoakingIlixe, nor to breake the though fleepfeizevpon theeiesof my brufedteede : beate then, I praythee, body, yet letnot fecnrity oppreffe toy withmy fcantnes,andhelpe myvnbe- Cottle : keep usefetal idlefanties, and leefe, perfit the worke ofthy owne from vaine dreames: glue mea lober lsands.perforineit vatill the dayofJe. and fan&ífied vie of all outwardre- fus Chrilf. Myfaith is that I maftliue frefhings , that I mayalwaies in all by it is tr. y viaoryahou(OLord)in things aimeatt his one thing ,aameiy, mercy haft begun it : cherifh it (I be- howl may be the ,better fitted to ferue leech thee)together with álltholegra- thee faithfully in my place and cal- ce,whichaccompanyfaluation, that lirgrand that forChrift lefun his fake, theymaybe in me,asa well ofWater, thyOnly Sonne,apd Throughthy mer- fpringingvpintoeuerlafiing life .And cy,my louingSauionr,Amen. grant that I may not be prefirmingly fecuretouchingmine owne eflate,but Amoreperticaler MorningPrayer may ever and anon bee proouing and onthebegtnniogofaSat- examiningreyI le, whether Iamin bathaal. the faith orno:and that t may alto dy andfiriue to glue euidenceof my Anifold (O Lord) are thy faith,by (hewingforth good workes, 1V mercies, and thy goodneffeis andby bringingförthgood fruit,euen infinite. Ih catey particular fruit worthy amendmentoflife. Tam compaffed about with many weake- neffes,and(as I haue found by the ex- perience ofthis one day) Saran isfull of malicious cunningto werke upon all aduantages:0LorI,flrengthen me to refifthim,giue we holy wifdome to difcouerhis Heights,& grace to with- fondhis molt fharpe affaults. Arme ane altoagainllthe reproaches andob. . logriesof the worl, 1.I have learned in thyword,that if I ferue thee in fince- city, my name (hall be putout aseuiil among(men : givemeeboth care to tarrymy felfeout of the reach ofTuft exception,and refolntionalfoto farei- fice my credit and efimation, yea, e- aten my life it (elfeif needbee , to thy glory. Teach mee tolearne of theAuthor and finifherofmyfaith,todefili fe the fhame, and to endure the (peaking a- gainf oftanners, in refile&of that e- temall weightofby andglory which is fet before me. And now ( Lord) withthe bowingof mySoule,I bleffe thyname for this dayespreferuation. Howmany culls haue I efcaped , to and to filch a kinde of (pending the which Iwasfubie& by nature, and to fame as thou requirefi. Teach me to which I had made my felfe'fubie& remember drat it is thine owne ordi- through finne2 Itis thou(Lord)one- nance ,euenoáeofthofevnchangeable lywhich makeftme todwel in fafety. lawes,whichthou wrotefl with thine Stretch out the wingsof thy grace -owne finget,thatthis day lhould after Rrr amore which befallcth mee, I bane abun- dant experience of thy loue. It is much (molt gracious God) that I, which haue fomany waves provoked thee , ihouldbeelet toline tobehold thelight andcomfort of the Jay : But muchmore is it, that having bane heretofoe a fropisaner of thyKolbe day , a barren and an hypocritical( Profeffour of thyWord, a fruitleffe andvrprofitable hearer, I fhouldyet enioy the bleffedopportunity of an- other Sabbath. How iufily mightef thou long finer haue fatted vp my heart, ami givenMee otter vinoa re- probateminde, taking frommee the comfortable and happy freedome of going into thy houle,&ofgluingatté. dance vpon thepoftes ofthydoores? O teach me (I pray thee)to value thy mercy in this bchalfe, according to the true worth thereof : Suffer mee not fieightly toentertaine eitherthis oranyother, of thy fauonrs. And, as thou haft broughttree to the begin- ningofthis holy ref , fo finable mee (I befeech thee) to the fanetifying ir, 697