Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

698 eiffielpe eve a more Ipeciallmanerbe diuerted and denoted to thy Icruiee, and thatthou hall not therefore reftrained outward tin lointents in our callings becaufe idleneffepleafeth thee,or becanfecafe given to the flelh, is a part.ofthy worihip:butthatthou haft in thy infi- nitewifdome Co appointed it,thatbe- ing freed from all other incurnbran_ ces,we might wholyapply our feines either to the publike or pirate exer- elfesofgodlinefles Gluemetherefore grace (Imoll humbly intreate thee) that I may call thy Sabbath adelight, to con1riçrete it asgloriousveto thee, and that,I may bewareofdoingmine owne vs aies,or of feekingmine owne will, or of fpeaking vaine words, and may men bind my Idle toaferi- oes and a.continued courfeof feruing thee in the pia lifeof fuck duties as belong ró the halowing ofthis day. I know,O Lord,that herein I (hal sweet withmany lets:mine owncorruptna- turewil repine andthink this ayoakc and burden that cannot be endured: abróadin theworld, I grail feemany vain falhions , followed by great troupes, making, thy, day a day of catcall.plealure,I Ihalibe deridedand fcorned,ifI retufe todo as othersdoe. I thanmeetealto withmany cunning perfwaders,whichwill feeke by plau_ fible reafons to drawmee from dili- genceand confiancy in this courfe. O Lord (I befeech thee) with thebow- ingofmy heart, to make oree ftrong againft all there withdrawméts:grant that I may more eticeme obedience tothee, then either thecontentingof mine owne fenfuall affedtions, or the auoirlingofreproach among profane perfons,oe the fatisfyingofmen , bee their pretences what they may bee. I am taught(O Lord)and I doe beleeue t it, that thy yoke is eafle, and that thy c commandements are not gricuou.s t t andI know that by a holy vfe in there 1 religiousfernices,IThal makethem fo c familiar vetome, andfrail alfo finde k that exceeding fweetnes in them ,that I fhall men long for thy Sabbath be- e fore it comes, and the timewill feeme t atomveto mee that is fo bellowed. t to Deuotion. And for this day (mofl boring Fa- ther) I,pray thee, blelfe veto mee the particular bufneífe therof. Inpraying giue me,rcucrence to thy Maiefty fadeofmine ownwanes, faith in tk promifcs, frefh remembrance of th formerkindneffes, charitable & corn paffonate,and yeelding afeflions to wards ethers. In hearing, vouch(a mee an vnlocked and an vnderfian ding heart,aright iudgement,rueeke neffe,of fpirit, liuelineffeofaffe&ion faflneffeof memory. In communi eatinggtthy table, beffow on niceai humbled foule, ahungringheart confciencepurged from deadworker powerof fweet meditationupon th deathof Chrill. In looking vpop.,the adminiftra tion ofBaptifine,, afford mee mind fulneffe;ofmie owrse vow, remori for rny often failing in that folcinn promiic , earneftneffe of delire for thegood ofthebaptized, ioy for th increafe of thy Church. In tinging take.from mee all both dulMile and vanity, make meto fingwith agrace in my heart, flillflriuing tolift vpmy Soule veto thee, Enlarge my heart to- wards other,as occaíionCall beoffe- red, that I may bee ready to glue to thole that want, forward in curry good worke,comforrable tothe lick, tender. hearted to thole whom thou haft humbled, apt to make peace where dilcord is.Let al worksofiner- cy bee ádelightvntomee , andstake meecarefull not to flay tillIampro. uoked, but tofeekeoccalionstodoe good. And when I ana private ( O Lord) fan&ifie my thoughts, that maymeditate on good things, and may hide thy Word in my fecret parts, and may loue ir, and efpecially hat I may thew the fruit ofit inalloy onuerfation. Finally,I humblypray bee, fo to guide mee both in pub_ ikeandprinate duties, that when it ommeth to euening , Imay feele my nowledge too be encreafed,my faith frengthened, my foule and cosfci- nce abundantly re£rclhed, and all his for Chrift Iefes his fake, and for bine owneNames fake, elmea. inethos Y Y Ee a e e e e