Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

7oo QXHelpe vnto Devotion. heart tolament them , andfuffer thy felfe inlefts Chrift to be entreated of mee freely and finally to remit them. Let neither them, nor any other of my fines Randat thistime betwixt meandthy blefsing : but vouchfafe to waterthefeed ofthy Word callinto myheart, with the deaw ofthy hea- uenlie blefsing, that it may not bee made vnfruitful,but mayworke migh- tily inmee, to the inlightning ofmy minde,to theCeding ofmy iudgement, tothe comfortingofmyheart, to the reformation ofmycorruptaft:&ions, and to the leadingmee on vnto more andmore perfe&ion. To that end, make mebothmind- fulland carefull tovfe all thole good helpes, which thou haft fanfifiedto the rubbingvpofour memories, and to the quickningofour dull andflow affeetions:fuchas arebulk e andferions meditation in the clofetofmineowne heart,humble conferencewith others, diligent fearching the Scriptures, to findoutthe ground and certenproofe ofthings deliuered. Andwhenmatters aremade plaine unto mee, and proved to mee to bee thy expreffe revealed will, grant that I may yeeldmy full affene vnto them, not oncedaring to meafure them by the crooked rule of mine ownecor- rupted reafon : and notonely fo, but that I may loue them, andembrace them, andhide them,andlay them vp tuen in the midft ofmyheart, &may likewife binde myfelfe to thefpeedie andçonftant praetife ofthem:that fo I maynotbee in the number ofthofe whichmakes thewofgodhineffe, but deny thepower therof,&whichheave much,butreformenothing,andfo doe but difgrace Religion, and heapevp wrath againl} themfelues: butthat I may hauemyfruit in holineffe, beeing both an ornamentto myprofefsion,& ameansofwinningothersbymy pure and blameleffèconuerfation. I know (OLord) that toperforme this,will beea fcruice ofnolittle diffi- cultic. My heth which is euerlufting againft thy Spirit, will rebel', I fhall beeapt to grow weary ofweldoing; euili Conferencewith others, as occafion lhallrequire. Beget inmea godlydif- cretion, that I may diligentlie fearch the Scriptures, whether thethings I heare, arefo,andmay try allthings : neither rafhlyreie&ing, nor fuddenly belieuingwhatfoeuer isdeliuered .And whé I hauefound thy truth,fo ílablifh my heart, that I may not wauer nor betaxied about with euery wind of do&rin,but may eótinuein the things whichI haue leanned,labouri ng daily to beledforward vntomore perfe&i- on. And fith hearing and knowing withoutpra&ife,do but increafe vnto snore condemnation, therefore( O Lord)do thoufo water that whichI heare,with thybeauenlie dew,that it may bringforthmuchfruit in my life, and that 1 maybe acredit tomy pro- fefsionsandno difgrace norflander to thytruth : Grant all theee things for thy deareSonnes fake lefts Chrift:to whom with theeand thybleffed Spi- rit, I defire to afcribe allhonour and glorie,now and for euer, door. dIforrhe koorin oftbe Word. STirremeevp (OLord) Ihumbly pray thee, to an vnfained and fincere acknowledgement of thy kindneffe,who haftnowbeenpleated, notwithftanding my formet vnprofi- tablenes,andfleight eftimation ofthy holy Word,yetto vouchfafe mee the comfortable libertie of inioyingit. How iuftly mighteft thou long fence for my great contempt , haue made myheart fat, giuing mee over into a reprobate fenil ? What other thing haue I deferred of thee, who haue from timeto time been fuels an vn- reuerent,negligent, and careleffe hea- rer? Yea (Lord)euenmyTaft carriage in that holy exercife which I haue nowbeenat, bathbeen fofarrediffe- rentfrom thatbecamemee, that thou maid iuflly make thy Word tobea fallout ofdeathvetomee:But(Ogra- cious God)thouwhichart good vnto mee,in makingme to feemyowne de- fats, be metcifull alit) ingiuingmeea