Helpe euilt menwillderide me,and I(hall be a matterof fcornetothevngodly:Sa. thanwill findoutmanic hinderances; andmanie means bywhich tomake good dutiesirkefome uatomee. Ibe- ef ech theetherfore to £urnifhmewith that holie refolution &with thatfpi+ titofcourage,that Imay neither de. lay tobegin, whenthou commandeff tofet forwatd,nor yet maybreakeof where thou requireft continuance of obedience: but that my courfe may bee like the way of the righteous, which like the light,fhineth more and more vntothe perfeftday: fo Thal thy Name beglorified, mineOwn, futile comforted, andothers tdefiedby my good example; andI more and more occafioned to bleffe and praifethy Name in-Iefus Chrift thy Sonne, and my Sauiour, Age. Awrbero theItkeaattare,refpectiagthe Sser,efnenceftbcLeeds Sapper. Amtaught (OLord) that without I thee I candoe nothing,and that all mine endeauoursare in vain with: out thy blefsing. in due regard whereof, I ambecome an humblefu- tèr vatothyMaiefty,;thatthouwont. deftbee pleatedtoprofper and todi- reâmy prefentpurpofudfcommuni- oaring at thy Table.Itia thy:wi lfhat I lhould . often. come ,vnto this hohe banquet, tor theftrengrheningofmy Faith, and forthe prefetuationof the memorie ofChrifts death: O Lord; ftrikemyheart. with reueuentevaro it, as vntothyordinance,. :irides to feaft to which thou haft tied thy moreefpeciall pretence, that. I may not dareto,preffe in beforetheeintt. prepared.)Before Iconteyiraehmeto :grow into.avcry ark*,examination a miiae)owoefoule,; t liihay fee how+Ihails:1=de and.iniwhatmean fittelámfurndhtd; for:fpwaightiela ftt lce:, A accaufel laûówahatth3 moreIiookeitntoanyRllä tbèmore I fhaltfeeiigeroavnemakedüèffe and deformitte ttfttrtfarejOal tirecrco fuppby,ine fiaaatthy.-infitàldìftdíeffeg untoDeu tian, 67ç Gluemeeathorow vndetftanding oÉ the miferyofmycline, who am by nature a chiide of wrathas well as o- thers. Makemee to fee the hainouf. neffeof thofe innumerable culls, and groffe finnes, which lhaue mu(tipif ed, before thee from tune to time nay, whichI haue rune intofince my laft prefenting my fide before theeat thy board, when I promifed better obedience: O caufe my atone heart tobleede withinmee, when I thinke vpon mine owne,fcantneffe in good duties; and vpon my delight and forwardneffetotranfggreffedMáke mee to bee albamed and euen con- founded in my felfe for thofe manic enormities which from my corrupt and vnreformed heart, docontimr ,ally breake forth: into my outward man, euery member bering a very weapon of vnrighteoufneffc to doe feruice vntoSathan. Thus CO Lord) Shall thymercies in Chrift be Sweet unto mee, and I (hall comewith an _hungeing and thirfting fouleunto thy Table.And I pray thee to increafein mee thatgrftoffaith,that Imayboth come to this thine ordinancewith defireto inlarge it, andmayalfo'feele it toreceiue ftrength and growth of affurance ofmine owne perfonalland particular intereftinto, the deathof Chrül. Remoue far frommeall fwel.. ling, difdatnfull, and uncharitable atfefions, O Lord this isa frail of toe, andtoitamalicious&reuengeu full heaerçan iieeno welcome: gueft: Andwhen I. haue tirefentçdmy felfe atthy Table, ;L beltech,thee to re- (trainmy idle andgaddingthoughts, draw'earneft and ferions meditation of that which is the life tOtheSaadam@rob,ihetelathdfinySÌ. iiipur:Rauillym7 ule iwiththeudrni- neon ofbisdoue hatfhuk'aehiát. 4 lfe to diefor me a moffivalaViAvor- }}öe,& fin(ulcreature.Stlrafteyp wen tolArow.dnsltvnfecrateemy felfe,far aOnu'.ntmfhftlela:mhathathwdnmhfàfad tnfe}fcdo, heee:áafapiifi¢ie ibi,mee; odaftot I{laasaeiretuddithefepled. '04of loltMecandfealesofrhyfa tukìt ire thxldevxel Sohner"Omaha lttr; meç