Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

y 7o1 e.Helpe vn ine-truly thankfisllto thymaicitie,and carefull both at theprefent, and euer after,toThew forththe fruits ofthank- £ulneffè inan holy and religious con- fterfation,tothyglom,the gooddo-, thers,andmine own eternall comfort, inlefirs Christ my Sauiour. amen. Prefrntl far Reeeining, before tue Tbankefginrngof thewhole Con. gregatie amax mayfe. teenylift vp bisfault ex thisMaim. Ffe&myheart(OLord)with thisevidence ofthy loue, teach meinit to fee theriches ofthy grace, whoart pleated for my weakenelfe fake,byfachfamiliar meanesto figure outbefore mee, and to feale vpvnto my foule:a treafure of that infinite worth,as:isthy fauonr in fetusChrith. Óh that I : may as fenfibly feele his .death to befweete vntomy foule, asI doe theft creaturesofbreadand wine toafford a pleating tait and refrefh- ingtomy bodie. OLord, euermoec giuemefuch'afeeling. And now (Oh heansnlyFather) fuffer me not tode- parthaficeiorgetfutlofthy kindnefl'e: But grant;that may now at thisin- itant, enertcouenantwith mineowne foule,towatlre Ma better courfe ofho- lieobediencethen heretofore, refpe- &ing alt thy commandements , -and endeausonringalwaies toliaveacleare covfcience'before thee,,andbefore ihen : thauofo, glorifying thee in tÍifk life, I May-bee glorrified with theells thy kiugdome, throúgltilelàs(fi ss,i.ipp3J ithons n, ìft::'JibC'd!:! ^.f:'.stk lieforea if-7%140M) , thou.haft gracioufly ipvdntiifed in thy :Word , ro bite with *hither foeuera. oe .land thatth anitttitringfprtitssLthyllòlq Angela;lha4itchtttnr ibibóutmad, anciheale¿mee-:analtehibbis h.' Peglea 'sous, hadadrohtfoitabíri.ipti1ril edge I confetlè ttrii;iis,:'thatol whod tech nattite ilde- of:weaeff,Iandla4rtt valiallofSarhad,,lhottidd ajlunettof fo.lrigh bandof Iieaate`titypcsateafu :1Yi..Ii tö Deuotion. on. I pray thee now at this time to make good this thymercie tomee,be_ ing by neceffarie bufine(fe to traue!! frommineowneplace. Mame beethe perils, towhich both byflamee and by defert, Iam fubielt:nomanis able tonumber them,orby hisownfrength and policyto auoidthem. Compaffe thoumee with thy fauour as witha fhield,goe before meas thou didft of old before thy peoplein the wildér- neffe;it isonlie thou whichcan't make mee to goeand come in fafetie. Some put their truth inoutward helps : but caufe thou mee to remember thy Name,and tomake thytruth to belfry fhield andbuckler. A horfe isa vaine helpe, and(hall not deliuer anieby his great ftrength, neither is the miglitie man fauedby hispower.It isbetterto truth in the Lord, thentohaueconfi- deuce euenin Princes. Ifthon(OLord)bee my light and myfaluation; whom°fhall'Ifeare? If thou bee the ftrength of my life, of whomfhall I bee afraid? Let this (I prayjthee)lsetheAnefior:ófimyfoute, bothfare andkedfakcfmffermopowtr ofSathanto remuoue:m' faith Roth this foundation. Howbeit(moftholfo Father)ien fhal be thypfeafure,in this my tontine; -robring'fòmeefofiè vpóh twee; eitheriiymaking'meea prey to spoilers, ofbÿfome otherhahard I befeechtheee prepareme toit,giue me patienceandsromfora imairand anheL eaffurance,t(matno oiuwara inconuót siiencecaerfeparate meofrom thy to* 1liCbriklefus. ? i,: Makenteahvaies rmindfuii ofehini, thatthjafauourmnft norhemeafiired lá)thefetosendard>accidéits :and canih Iaeeeueuzoldfaftahifsttle that,Ail thingsthaflattotktogcrbtrsorthe Deft wagthy*ruattts .Aadl(.0h IGIod)asittm ttaiieis;l.amdeftte thrfada u Toteadtmee -1 deftie thee)tothaketcbn&Iánedbfthp featei ahatitsst effiAddc@iauepeoteEtam fronieI eeofel I%>lrara(iplhe mmyy Seltb toyeeldYrab llisneeworthelstnWheres fntAkiheiwba n alonegigtauhtxifé lyßm lltart'Pubiivho F It?tLt.tdrtag*úthgetAlli watch