Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

Hclpe untoDeuotione 7 3. watchonce myfelfe., forthe preucn- Lingof all corrupt andvncleanc cogi- tations. Let me neuer prefumevpon the aduantageoffectecie;or ofmybe- ing notknownebyface, intheplaces where I come, to doe anythingthat Ihalibeecontrarietothe profefsionof a Chriftian. And ifI light into thecompanic of others,makemee'carefnlltofecke op_ portdnitiesofdoinggood, andthat I may neuerframe.my felfe tothe hu- mors ofprophane perfons; but ina godliedifcretionmay focarie myfelf, asthat I may neither wilfullie make any felfea fcorne vnto the wickèd,nci- eher yet may foranytefpeéts doought which may either wound mineowne foule, ormake themthinke thatJam of the fame vnreformed difpofition with themfeloes. Thus(Lord)in anaffuredexpeaa_ ;ionofthygracious guidanee,I betake my felfeto mine intendedcoarfe, and commend bothir, . and there my re- quellsvntothee,in thenameand wor- thineffeofIefus Chrift,myotrelie Me. diatour andredeemer,Amen. After atourney, i Artebe it frommec(OLord) that i Ifhould crane Merdes of thee in my neccfsities, and then forget to lhexwinythankfalnefïeifor thenwhen theylarebeflowed'. Gkaciausihathou beenvetomee, froneuhebeginnittof mylife cuenvntill nowfAslfoondmay I ratmbee the fand ofthe.feà;ranshake anexaarehearfaih flithitfaólòute; There is noday,or houreoftheday,or nìitautttifthehottitexiirn+hich; blef fings are notrenewedtrQards me. Oh that Icould be fo trulie and effeaualie tlli kl lFä's(ieftiffi frìà Qlrshatfint he"i$tklithintneelmit&t, éuenlnablgffoÍr klIgt I ItianTifeeddlattSomatic dfiïfrokindnetf liwiehoudregandaSe. ifàlde,, lfownow,utifbthdttprotimkeft Iretothis dutie,0grtitàtbemné(ürhum -, bH r&41thëe)kl trazmtorMakethee ding ñeliè taidedoialrhelielent&the cuurftWoreléadfitir ukhòláiournie4 ätidtoo l'eruQdi}ia$cgtees hotvthou rc.ir haft been good voto mee n howthou haft bleffedmy going out, &thy corn-. ming in, and bróught mee in peaceto mineown home.Maniedangersmight haue ¡Wallowed mee vp, which yet (through thygoodneffe)I haueefca -. ped. Stmdrie times hash there been (filch is the bitterneffeofrhis houfe ofclayi which Ibeareabout me)bute- uen afteppe betwixtme anddeath,oun ofthe iawes whereof, thy right hand and thine arme hash fauedmee; Icäfi afcribe nothing to mine owneprom dence,neithercanIfay thatmyfafetie isthe rewardofmineown deferuing. Notvnromee,0 Lbrd,not unto butto thynamedoth thegloriebelong And now grant (Ibefeechthee) that the fenfe ofthy loue, may beget inme fucha lone ofthee, andofthat which thou commandet,that I may willing- lieand e chearefnllie,and withfall pun; poreofheart, denotemy felfe to thy feruiet,aecountingasmy dude = is)eue- ri newkindneffe tobe (unitwére) a newbond,anda.frefh.encouragement tlabraunto. Granttree both thin and ailtnthenneedfirll. mercies, for Chrift 3rfum ake; Ames. ru: r: llhtsßhrtffians fosse far grata, Into air, .a, tigh'tl'ym huperfonall ralóng. ITis,"nine ordinance, O thou the wiféft,God;OhaepaerySonof4dao in ithedfweateSofas face lhmaldaate hisbreaìd :tlnoahafiffttelhederie mate tograrifse throirifirinefpecialicialling thoi twouidetfrihtthatany fhouldliue film anhrvnpaoftrafile; binders .cifthe eattli nnilffphndingfiisgracious e analwallngaivaatecreatnrela bifag nosksbpdéo::hµmabbfocietidahHerein thohhairtiaenifarbine OwnrSalltit f II keeuttllrneteirrkeit huhertoiiAiid albeint kedrygreaEtlúfineffeetfe ti igalktihngst,xßdac6ivith fièft daidsy in tylaiéh eiaexyt¢adtìpiiJ t waaibrotight fortlhWTheeittbis_gxpe perkfnde,yedthyr aeonid@ abcllaamtiteí uiteilmtteed.>, ik&tu{e{chele egg flnmineeou etairtalh ee ',Anl.thy/ Sonarelrriû.hlfabwhi orinxl daiess of hisfie& , lice humtilekhitn,f6fof Rrr4 Taue