Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

Flelpevn tiueas a manvponthis earth, both in hisprivate lifeattended vpona pain- full Trade,and whenthetime cameof his publifhinghimfelfe tothe World, went about doing good,yea,and with that chearfulneffe, that it was meate vnto him,todoe the will, andtofinifh the workeofhim thatfenthim. And are notthy hohe Angelsalfoinconti- nualla&ion? obeying the voiceofthy Word,andminiftering fortheirfakes which fhallbehares oflife? Who am I then (OmyGod )that I fhouldnot reioyce,thatit bath feemedgoodveto thee, toranke mee amongft otherthy feruants,and tofetmee(asit were)my propper make, vpon which togiue belt attendance? Grant, Ipray thee, diatImaynot grudge thereat,as at fomevneafrebur- den put vponmee,but thy{ I maycon- tentedly and comfortably vndergoit, eug like thatglorious creature thefun, whohaving his tabernacle let himin the heauens reioycethlike amighty man to runnehisrace. Andfeeing,0 Lord, thouhaft not placedme in this callingfor mineowneprivate gooda- lone, but alto fora. morepublikeand commonbenefit, glue mefuchan ho- ne! , fincere,andcharitablehéart,that Imaydetermine withmyfelfe, neuer tofeek,nonor yet willinglyto receiue thatgaine whichcomesbythewrón- ging,orwringing,orloffeofMints. Let me euer remember that golden rule whatfoeuerI would that men fhoulddoe tome, ofdoing euenfo to them. Let it neuer Rippe out ofmy minde,thatthewagesofvnrighreouf- nelfe,isput intoabrokenbag,andthat ástheggood man fhallgiue inheritance vntochildrens children, fo the riches ofvanity diminifh,and thatthou wilt draweuenout ofthe bellieofthe oppreffor,the fubttancewhich hehath deuoured : or ifit doe continuewith him,itfhall be for his greaterhurt, his ownecafe(hallflay him, and hispro- fperiry fhaldeftroyhim.Letme there- fore I pray thee,choofe rather a little with thy blefsing,then'ggrreat reuenews with thy curfe andjudgement` atten- dingthereupon. to Demotion. And iffobeeit !hall be thy pleafure toblelfe mybasket andmy%tore, and toencreafe my portion bymy honer{. induftry, Okeepe mee, I humbly in- treat thee,that I maynotfee myheart vpon it, letnot my richesbe my ftrong citie,or asanhigh wal inmy imagina- tion : butgrant thatasmylotis enlar- ged,fo Imaybe moreand moreafraid ofmy felfe,lefthe care of this world andthedeceitfulneffe ofriches,fhould choakein meethefeeds ofgrace, and flak away my minde from better things.And thereforemakeitmy care good Lord Ibefeechthee, to follow mycallingwith thatholymeafure, as that I may not fofar ingulfe my felfe intothebufrneffe ofit, that I fhoulda- bridgeand fcammy felfe ofconueni. ent opportunitiesfor.heauenly& rituall purpofes:and as I Mallfeelethy handto beopenedtowardme,fo open myheart &my hand towardsothers, knowing, that ashewhich fcattereth fhall be more encreafed,fohe that fpe. rethmom then is right, fhall furelie cometopouertie. Euermake mee to confider. thy all-beholding prefence, that allthings are nakedin thy fight,& that thou wilt fureur bringforth to iudgement eueryfecretthing : thatfo I knowing theetobe awitnestoalmy eourfes,my caremay be towalke asin thy fight,andto approue myfelfeun- to thee by anruinandvprighrbeha. uiour. Vnlocke;0 Lord,the treafures ofthy richmercies, and afford vnto mee both thefe , andallother contte- nient and needfullgraces, inandfor Chrift Iefusfake, n'aeu. Hie Peritia, robe armed andprepared fer oAetue,s, IAmtaught (O hsauenlyFather) by thyholieWord,whichthouhaft left yntomeetobemy counfellor, andto makeme wifevntofaluation, that i. mull through manieáffiiâions enter intothykmgdome. When I meditate vpon the lg c%a id; courfesofthyhoiieones, wltix now ended the>daies of thcigjlgei inage,and areentred intoeeft, I fs that