eAHeIpeunto Deuotion: that they all paffed through gueattri- bulation: Nay,Chrill himfelfthe Au- thorand finilher ofmyFaith, didfirft fuiferbeforeheentred intoglory. Ofthisbitter Cup therefore mull I alfodrinke, OLord,ifI belong tothe number ofthychofen. Thofe whom thou hall ordainedto bee vef els ofhonourfor thine owne vfe, thou wilt purge and fcoure, and make cleanby varietie ofcroffes. This I know(OmyGod) and am perfwaded of. But now,when I looke intomineowne heart , and confider mineowne ftrength, I findfiichabafe fpiritoffearfulaeffe, incha firongaf- fedion vntopeaceand quietnes,and filch a lothneffe and willingneffe to beare theyoke,thatI cannot butcues doubtwithmy felf,whatwill become ofmeinthedayoftriall: whenI beam ofreproaches in goodname, loffeain goods, pains and tortures in bodie, vexations, andhorrors andperplexi- ties in minde, tentations by Sachan, combats and confiiGls with the feare ofdéathandof iudgement, my Befh doth.euen trembletherat,andOLord (thinke I) whoorwhat amI, thatI fhouldendure thevery leaft ofthefe? Whithernow !hall Igo togatherhart andcourage,but untotheeO thoupre- feruerofman? andhowhappy wereI ifIcould rightly efteeme this happi- nelfe ofhauing fuchafreedome ofac- celfevnto thythroneofgrace ? Heere therefore doe Iproftrate my foulebe- foreehee,earneftly befeechingthee, in the name ofChtift, to bemercifull un- tomein this behalfe. And firfl ofall, Omoft tender Father,becaufe fudden euilsdobring with them fomuch the greater griefe, grantthat I mayoften (andthatférioüfly)thinkvponthe cer- ter;tyofafflidions, andhow vaine a thing it is for /née, in the forging wanes ofthis worldlyfea, topromife vñtötnyfelfecüntinuall peace. `Thus (thoublefsingthis meditation Bnfo mee) the croffelhall neuer come vpon Mee at vnawäres, mythoughts being taken vp with continuail ex- peftmgit. And then O Lord, when houhaft thus framed me tohue asa man alwaieswaiting forfometrial,let itbe thy pleafure alfo, tofurnifh & to fupplte mewith fuchgracesas.belong to the comfortableenduringit. Giue mea readtneffe ofheart; tó fubmitmy felfalwaies to thyappoint.. ments,that I may neuerdare torepine or grudgeat thyproceedings; giueme a portionof ftrength proportionably to that weight which thou wiltlay vpon mee, that I droop not underthe burthen, thatI faintnot inmyminder Giue me feeling ofthy loue itsChtil}, that that maypreuaile again!( alldif couragements, and that Imay inter- pret it to bee afruit ofthy louethat thoudoeft afflilme. Gmeme faith inthy proinifes, fo firme that it maynot be (haken by the florme, nor I grow weary orwalk.: ringin waiting for thy mercyto re.: leafeme. Giue mewifedome to iudge aright ofthereafonsofthytrying me, and to makea holy vfe ofcurry cha- ftifemenrgiuemee care toRote vp in the middeft of my heart; futhCom- forts as thouin thy Wordhaft reuea= led forfeuerallvifitations; that I may notbethentofeekeforcomfoet,when I (hatchiefly want it finally,giue mee a ftedfaflneffe of refolution to can my burdenvpon thee,and tohold this fallthatthouart boundby thineown promife,neuer toforfake me.BeingO Lord, thus armed, out of thenote- bookof thy richgrace, I íball enter thecómbatewithcourage, I fhallgoe through it with conflancy andend it With ley; lookingfor that crownof lifewhichthouhaft promifedtothofe that loue thee,- and whomit wasthy. goodpleafure,before all worlds, free= ly toloue inChrift Iefus, towhom be praifefor euer;Omen. APrayerfir the afliOre ínwhat kindsfiirmer. (1 Gracious GOD, howhappie V am I; whohaue fo ironga tow- eras thygreat Name to rune vn- to,efpecially now inthisfadandhea- uydayoftribulation ? I fee(OLord) bycontinuall experience,thatthehelp Of 7ö$