706 &fHelpe vnt of minisvaine, and that all earthly contentments, notwithftanding the flatteringThewthey make, yet are but as alaffe ofreed,vponwhich ifaman leane,it will muleinto his hand and pierce it. If I turne me to my ancient lonersand friends, itmay be they will land afide from my plague, andmint old acquaintancewilhide themfelues, and I /hallbee euen as a ftranger in the fight of myfamiliars. If I feeke to my neighbours, alaffe,what refrefhing fhaUIfinde? Truth it is, OGod, and thou haftfoordained,that hewhichis in mifery, fhould be comforted byhis neighbour: but menhaue forfaken the feare of the Almightie : So that hen whichis readyto tall, is as adefpifed lampe,and few areapt toweepe with him that is in trouble: Befides, the greateft part are fo overcome with grolfe ignorance,that theyare mifera- ble comforters, and Phyfitians ofno value, not able to minifter a word in timetohim that is weary. Whither then, or towhom (hall Igoe but unto thee, O moltgraciousand tender Fa- ther? Thou art a pittifull God, thy compafsions aregreat,thouart thefa- ther ofmercies, & theGodofall com- forr;thoumakeft the wound,andbin- deft it vp;thoufmiteft,and thyhands doe makewhole : thou haftcomman- ded to call vpon thee in theday of trouble, and thouart helpeready to be found. To thee therefore doe I lift vpmy fouler Encline thine care,.O Lord,and heart;open thine eles, O Lord,and fee,looke mercifully upon thine affliftedferuahtithedaiesoffor- roware comeupon me, euen changes and armies ofrmferies are aga nft me. Ifmygriefwereweighed,it would be heauierthen the fuselof theSea >1am brokenwithone breaking reponano- ther-Make me (Ipray thee)to confi- derferioufly,thatit is,euen thouwhich haft done all this, that thefe things comenotbychance, but bythy ptoui- dençeand certaine. appointment;tl át foI maybe dumbé, and not open any mouth tq murmure orrepine. Open mineeles that Easyfeemitrepwn de feruings, and what easfe Ihaue giLloti o Deuotion. thee euento crush meè to peecetwith thyheauy iudgements, yea, to caufe the pittieofthy eternall vengeance to thather mouthvponme. What caufe haue I leftunto me to complain when I am leffethen thy fmalleft merry, and my finnes greater then the greaten forrow thouhaft laidvpon mee? It is thyloue, O Lord, from whence this proceedeth. In this courfe thoudoeft offer thy felfeuntomee as toa forme: thou knoweftmycorruptions, the re- bellion ofmy heart,thecrookednes & vnreformedneffe of mynature, thou feet before fomegreat euill that I am like to fall into, if I be left vote mine ownecourfe:thou findeft me tobe for- getful' of my duty to thee, cold in praier, backward and lumpith in holy feruices,well_neere lulledsleep in the commonfecurityofthe times:it is thy wifdome to route me vp, and to put thy hooke of of liâion into myno- ftrils, tobringme back intothatgood wayfromwhich l am falling. I know thoudeal therefore chalenme,that I maynot bee condemned with the World. O teachmee (Ipray thee)to learn noiudge my life, to larchand to trymywaies,topryinto my court by-pall, that I may finde out thofee_ mss which beare in nice the greateft far ay,andmay infomemeafure vnder- landwhat itis which thou aimeft at inaffliftingme. And enableme withal to reformemineerrors, to recouermy wandring, and toget a happyvi&ory Doer myrebellious flelh o That Lmay be ableto fayhereafter, It is good for methat Iwas in trouble,blefkdbe the time that the Lord afFlt&ed me: and howfweet is the quiet fruit ofrighte oufndfe whichfpringèthforth from thebitter root of tribulation ? I In themeane (pace(OLord)vntill it lhallpleafe thee to put anendtomy prefent: grieuancès, teach mee, net makeháfte,orto.feekehyvile andvn- warrantáble courfes,towind my felfe outo(rlp'hands, butgrant tIratI may tarty,thylcifrne with: patience,notda- ring to_prefcübe unto thee what to do. Andwhen thisloymeisDeer, and t;eferrowpafl, Okeepeme from fe- curitir,