Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

eifHelpeutoDeuotton, 707 entity ,make mee to cemeniber the vnto thee:O blaffedFather,faftenmy vows&promifesofobedience which aieáions on the things whichare a I navy makevntothee,preparemeto bone,whereChriftfttethat thy right a fretivtriall;thst mycarie maybe tobe band : makemee to lay vp treafure in prouided forwhatfocuerthypleafure Hcauen,and.to feekeafter that king fhailbetolayvpcnnd.,.Hearemein dome of thine,which cannot bee lIsa- this; and in:all ether tray.fuies, for his ken : frame my heart to the choiceof fakein whom thouart bell pleafed, e. thebetter part,ofwhichÌ canneuerbe uen IefusChrift the righteous, :Amex. depriued.Letmeaffe&the true honor S which fiandyinthe faithful ceruiceof APrayer-in refßsf? offeme: lee receiued,, my Sauiour.Letme labour forthat en- acefbóveur,orgoode,&e. duringand durablerjches,whichcoo- -_ alts in theknowledge ofthee, and in ¡)EternallGad , the.Codofpro- thefeeling ofthygraciousfauour.Suf- V/uidence,- the orderer and the fer menot(I pray thee) fo to limitthy difpofer of all things both in power,as to thinke that thouart not heauen andearth : be ready(I befeech nowable tofupplyme,fiththe.means thee)toLeure thepraierof thydiftref-- which I was wont to enjoy, is taken fed feraant.l-lelpe my wesknelle,I en, from mer but make meefaithfully to treatethee,andtoquicken met tothe cófider, that thy hand isnotihoetued, performance of this duty ofcalling but that thou haft enough inllorefor epos thy Named arasenea aihumed of thofe that loue thee. Thou artableto my feuetofeemine own, faintneffe, giuemea great dealemore, andafter bow fooneI amcall downvpon eue- thou haftexercifedmeawhile,toblefs ryoccafon. O raifemee ep (I pray my lull dayes withmore abundance thee)& makeme to lift spiny hart to. then.tlst fini; thoucaail make the lit. wards thee,'according to whofegood tiemealrin thebarrel not towalle,& pleafure all thingscome to,palfe. It is the fmaltquantity of oyle not ro di, not thou (OLord) which haft larde' mina,t thou canft caufeafmall thing theft things vponme? Art not thouhe, tobe better vntomethen greatriches whoboth giuelb and takeffat thy wil? to themighty, andadinner ofgreene artnot thou the lodge which waked hearbs to be more (awry ro rue, ehen ;owe, and which makelt high? Shall I a Palled Osetothem. O thercfore,I marinate againftthee,whichhaft fuch befeech thee reftraittmydefres ,make anabfoluteand viscontrolableioue_ me willingly tofubmirmyIdle tothy raignty overall? Shall I receive good wifdome: Let thy prouidence&gro- at thy hand , and noteuill? O 'crepe mile bemy fiore.houfe,and the (tocke downmy repining,and mutinous,and that I relie vino r let this fatisfie otee, difconteseed rhoghts, allay the height that thoughI lofeallthatIhauc,yetin and hautinelfeofmy fpirit, teachmee as much asthou haft once loued mee how tobe abafed , and tohauewant, inChri (t,I(hallneuerloferhyfaunae. make mee ro fee thevanity of that And let not thebeholding ofmy chil- whichI waswont eueotoadmire ,and drentc family dilhearten'me,ormake to fet myheart vpon. Let thisabridg. me to callperrls,andto fad,Wberewirh ment bee a fchoole.mafter unto mee, finali I feed them? -How%haló l cloaek that I may learns by it fo drawmine tbrm?OLord,thcy arebetter then ma. áffehions from thefe fading and tran - ny fparrows, &clearer, vntotheethen fitory commodities. O lord,what is thefillies of the field: thy promifeof honour? Is it nota blaft, orafmoake mercy isentailed toms pollerity :0 which quickly vanifheth? What is let my faith tell vpánthisfoundation. wealth? Is it not lighter then vani- Prepare me (I pray thee) to further ty it felfe? Doth it nor takeher to trials,make meeready by degrees to herwingsasanLEagle,andlife into the lofeeuen my life it felf, ifit may befor heaven? O knit myheart hence forth thyglory. Andthus,O Lord,delring to