708 e1dHelpe vn to reckon cuen this crotte (thoughmy vnreformed nature dothgaine-fay it) among thy chiefeft fauours; I com- mendmy (elfe andmy poore prayers vnto thee,in Chrift Iefas thybeloued Sonne, and my beloued Sauiouy A: MON. APrayer,fittedto tbeloffe ofgo 44- tiallfriend,a aFatber,or HNf- dand,e¢e. OAlmighty LORD God , whofe Glorie is aboue the Heauens, and which haft thy dwelling on high,but yet abafefthy felfto behold the things in the earth , bepleafed, e- uen for thy deareR Sons fake , to call down thy cópafionate eye vpon my affhetedand grieued cafe. Comfort (Lord) comfort, I pray thee, thy Cer-' uantsfeule, fuller menot to beefwal- lowed vp of difcouragement. Thou haft taken frommee theveryRaffe of mineeftate,one, vpon whom (in the eye offiefh andbloud)al my comfort did depend: Heis newgone the way ofall flefh , andhath made hisbed in thedarke:yet thou,0Lord,ftil liueR, thou art alwaies the fame, and thy yeereslhall not falle. O raifevp, I befeechthee, my languilhing anddif. couragedhart, mydrouping thoghts: makeme to looke towards thee,from' whom aloneall comfort comes. Haft thou done this, andThal I controllit? Is death thymeffeuger,& (hall Imur- mure at hiscomming? Ismydeareft friend, whom Ilouedas mine owne heart,gatheredvnto thee, hisappoin- tedmoneths being now expired,and !hall I lament his happineffe2 Doeft thou fill holdmee with thyhand, and euen cópaffe me about with thy gra- cious providence, and (hall! dilruft Is thypupae & promife, andpower tobee myGod, the fameyet that it was, and Thal! I bee doubtful!, as though Ihad madeHefh minearme,or as ifthou Oal-fufficient God,wert ti. edonto outward meanest Mu! not I altoereit beelong , make the graue any houle and lie downe with others in the dull Is there net an allured to Deuotion. hope that all that hue and die in the Lord Iefus!hallbee ioyned toge- ther afterdeath,and at thelaft daybe caught vp in thecloudes,tomeete the lodge in the afte, and afterthat to bee euer with theLord? I moRearneftly befeech.thee therefore, O my moll gracious God, tomoderatemy pafí- onate and unruly thoughts, tobring my violent affeâions into a holy compaffe : Let menot beforrowfull Ike thofe which have nohope, make mee to reioyceonhisbehalfe , whofe pilgrimage is at an end,&whofeChri- flian and holy courfe doth even affure me,that thou haftreceived him intoe- uerlafling habitations. Teachmee to haue a holy andprepared longing for the dayofmy diffolution : And grant me that grace and wifdome,fo to loue thofe whom both natureandReligion bindme to refpe&,thatI mayalwaies conforme and fubmit my arleElions to thy moft wifeandfoueraigndirpo. fings. Tobewithoutanprehenhon of fuch loffes Iknow by thyword, that it is impious:tobe extreame&with_ out meafute in paffron , is defperate, Keepe me,I befeech thee,in the mean, that my forrowes may be tempered withcomfort , and myheart may al. walesbe fixed furely opon thee : Af. ford meboth this and all other need- full fauours , in and for the meritsof my alone Sauiour IefusChrift, A. mea, The OrphansLamenrarem, THy Word (O Lord)whichisthe word ofTruth , and cannot Ile, bath teftifiedofthee , that thou art The helperoftheFatberlefje: Hereby haue I(poore foriakenwretch)takeu heart unto my felfe , to flievnto thy mercy-feate,and (as it were) into thy lap, freely to powre out my lamen- tations. Left Iant to the mercileffe mercy of this cruel( world ; and death hauing clofed the eyes of my deareRParents , in whofe fight !was not a little tender, myeRateincoin- snort vnderilandina is very mifera. hie, Some