Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

lieTim Some there are which will feeme to pittymee, andwho willforinkle fome common wordsofcompafsion on mc, but no truthof comfort commeth from them. Nay,euenthofeofneereft acquaintance, andwhoduring the fife ofmy Parents, didprofeffe the ggrrea_ teftloue, doenow lookeftrangelyon nice, and their behauiourandfafhion is, asiftheydidnot knowmee. Molt true doe I find the laying ofSatoman, thatthe friends ofthe rich are many, andthat poore ishated evenofhis ownNeighbours,his friends willde- part farrefromhim, and though he be inftantwith words, yet theywillnot regardhim. Whenin feareofoppref- fion, I filevntothem whichare armed withauthority torelieuemee, though I fpeakewithprayers they anlwere roughly,and foare their heartsfet vp_ pon bribes, that nothingbut agift in the bofomewillperfwade them. Thus isaffG&ionadded tomymiferie, but nomancareth formyforrow. Allthis is through thy providence (O thou which liteeaatthe fterne, and difpo- feft all things: ) !know that out of thymouth, and from thy decree, pro- ceeds both good andeuill. Whither thenfhalll looke, butvnto theethat haftfmitten mee? Who canbind vp any wound , but onelythoùthat ma- keftit? Ilift vp therefore my heart, withmine eyes and hands,totheethat dwelleft in the heauens: As theeyes of feruants looke unto the hand of their Mafters, fofhallmyeyes warte vponthee, vntillthouhauemercyvp- ponme. I amfure (becaufe thyword bathfo allured me) that thouwilt not forfakefor euer, butthoughthoufend affliftion, yetthou wilthaue compof fion,according tothe multitudeofthy mercies: Thouputteftmy teares in a bottell, allmy gricuancesare noted in thyltegifter: My foule flailtherefore clam untothee andvnderthe fha- dow ofthy wingswill I relayer . To thee doeI commitmyfelfe, vpon thee alone doe Icall my carc(O l befeech thee) callnot offmy foule: Vpon thee haue I been flayed from thewombe, thouarthe whichtookemeant ofmy untoVeuottcn. Mothers bowels : Whom haue I in Heavenbut thee? andI haue del red nonein earth withthee.Thou fhaitbe the fleten u hofmine heart, and my portion foreuer. I fee more and more howgood it is formee todrawneere tothee : Myfriends have deceivedme asa Brooke , andas the rilingof the Riucrs theypalfeaway,but with thee thereisno ihadowofchange.Noman dideuertruft vpon thee, and was de° ceiued. Friends maydie,and retumeto their earth, but thyyeeres indure fromgr. neration to generation.Thou gítreft to heath theirfood, andto theyotlgRa- uensthatcry:Thou clotheltthegrafle ofthe fìeld,the very fparrowes arere= fpeetedbythee. Am notI (OLord) much better thenthey? Omake me to depend upon thy goodneffe, andto know that ifI feeke thee, I fballwant nothing that isgood :Thyeyeisvpon them that feare thee, and vpon them that trait inthymercy. Theheartsof all menare inthy bands, thoumadefk euenthe Egyptians tofauour thypeo- ple: and as thou cauféditthe veryrock toyeeldwaterfor the thirfty,and the denourerto attòordfoodfor Sampfonn fo thou Cana turn the hearts ofthofe that moltneggleetmet, andmakeeuen ftrangers and men vnknowne to be- come kindvnto me. Letit be my caretoferuethee, and towalke before thee in vprightneffe, and themI am lure wtththee thereis enough in flore, and thy prouiding cannot faire me. Stirrc mevp tofeeke thy ICíngdome,and the rigtiteoufneffe thereof,and all thingselfe fballbefup° plied to my comfort. Atfuremyfaule that thou art my Father in Icfus Chrift,thenThalIbefarethatthouha- uingprouidedformeeabetter inheri- tance, wilt not forfakemcc for theft outward things. Hearken (Ibefeecli thee)to thefc deliresofmyfoule, and breed inmet a ftedfaft expeetation bothof thcfc, and all other needfull graces, forthe merits ofIefus Chtf my áiuour, smem, 7%;