710 Helpevnto2Deuotion. ThecaptiaetPrayer, takers by !ermine Enemy,or otherwiferenprifanedfor, debt,or zpen an,y likr omegas. elkVt ofthe deepeplaces doe I call veto thee(OLord)let thineeases attend veto thevoyce ofmy prayers. Behold here I dwell in darkneffe and in the Ihadowofdeath, being bound inmifcry & iron,and feedingvpon the bread and water ofaffliftion. Clofed I am inprifon,and cannotget forth; I do knowand confeffe thatthy iugde- ments are aright, & that thouhaftaf- fli&ed me iuftly. Fullidlelyandvaine- lydidI Spendmyprecious time in the dayesofmy liberty, walking in the wayofinineowne heart, feruing lufrs anddinerspleafures. Tobetied to the duties ofmycalling,or otherwife ear- neftlyandbufilyto follow anycourfe that might befor thyglory, it was a burthen and a grieteveto me. Many otherfrnnes thereare, ofwhich I am guilty before thee, whichhaue defer- ued both this, anda farregreaterpu- nifhment, yea, cuento bee heldunder dárkneffein cuerlafting chaires, and tobee plunged with Sathan and,his Angels into the lake which burneth with fire and brimftone worldwith- out end. But (Lord)there isplenty, of mercywiththee,and thy compafsions failenot, thouartgood and gracious, andof.great kindnefle vistoall them that call vpon thee. Giue care (I be- feechthee)tomyprayer, andhearken tobhe vpyceof my fupplication : Let the bçumes of-thy favour Chine into this defolate and comfortleflè place withwhich I am enclofed : Refrel atildief4cemydiftrelfrd andgrieued foule, for veto thee doe Iliftvp my foule. Looke down from the height OfthYSantluary,andhearethe mour- ning oftiié_prifoner. Sanfìifie this gréat'crodèvetome,: thatit maybe a meant;túhumble mee, and to bring mee tei a through fight and fenfe ó{ niirle ownedeferuings : Sweetenital- fowith thecomfortableetafle of thy favour and loue in Chrift. And al- thoughmy body be ftraitned, yeten- large my fpitit, that I may now bee more ferventinprayer, more ftrong inthe defireand longing for thygrace then heretofore. Suffer mee not to growwearywith waiting vpon thee, or withlooking or cape ding forthy merciful' goódneffe inmy delivery. Let mee not prefume fo farre asto takevpon mee to prefcribe thee how todeale with me, or when&by what meanes to enlarge me : But grant that I may both contentedly &quietly tar- rythy appointment,affùringmy felfe that whenthou feefl merobe more fit forliberty then for reflraint,thouwilt bellow it onmee. In themeane time, proportion (I pray thee)my delves &. affeátions to myprefect meanes: As t hauebutlittle, fomakemee contented with alittle,& asmy diet is butcourfe, my lodging but vneafie, and theaire not fofweete as I waswont to enioy, foframe mymimic and body to a pa- tientbearingofall theft vnpleafingin- conueniences:Makemeoftentomedi- tateandrhinkewithmy felfe, thatif fuck a prifon asthis, in which a man may findTome intermifsionofforrow, and out of which her mayconceiue .hoprr.ofdeliuery, be foirkfome tome, thenhowwoefull is that dungeonof hell, whereofthe Princeofdarknefle isthe Keeper; and where, as the tor- ment is eafeleffe, without aliinter- courfeofany refrefhing, fo itisegd- leffe, without all pofsibilityofgetting fromit;And then,0 Lord,letthis me- ditationworke withmee, bothto the humblingofmy foule, .wholedcfert it is to beeternally lhutvp in that loath- fomepit, andto the enlargingofmy thankefulneffevnto.thee. the Goef of mercy, whohaftlent thy Son tp,£ree meefrom that intollerablecaptiÿiy. Caufeme withal' (Ì befeechthee) to bee as,feüfible ofmy bondage under the.tyrannyoffinntand Sathan, ás g amofmydetainement in this prefent thraldome,. and as.defirous to bee drawee out of it into the glorious libertyoftlïy children , as I now ate, tobee frecdfrom this imprifonment and if it 'hall hereafter bee thy pleafirreto teftoré meeto mydcfired freedome