Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

ei.Helpev freedome, O makemeeuer mindfull of the vowes and promifesof good things,with which Iamnowrcadie to binde my felfevnto thee : that fo thy merciemayneuerbe forgottenby me, but may bee euer frelhin memorie to quickenmeto the diligent and faith- fullferuice ofthee, who art theonelie Eod,in three perfons,the Father, the Sonne andthehoheGhoft, towhom be honour andglorie,might,maieftie, and dominion, world without end, Amen. !?to DetlOtJon. Theflnnderedperfin, laden vitbvninfl reproebes, thou eommndeth bácafe to God. ¡ 1Reat is my griefe (OLord) nei- l ther isit tome afinal(vocation, to fee how wickedmen hauefharpe- ned their tongues againft mee. They doe Ihoote out bitter words like at- rowes,and woundmewith their mil- tipliedlies, as with a razour thatcut- tethdeceitfullie: and asdead flies doe caufe to flinke and putrifie the oint- ment ofthe Apothecarie, fodoe they makemygood name tobecome euen vnfauorie amongft men. O howbitter is this vntome, menasgall, and how dochmy fouleturn pineaway within oteetoconfider it ? Yet(O gracious God) why Ihouldmy fpirit be foper- plexedin me,hauingfuch freedome of acceffe mite/ thy lvlaiefie ? Thouart fee in the throneof righteous judge- ment, therecloudsand mythsoffoule reproaches, cannot hide the truth of my caufe fromthy all>feeingeyes. To thee therefore doeI appeale; and in theedoe I putmy tmfl:iudge thoume according tothy righteoufneffe , and according tomine tnnocencie thatis in me. I confeffe (OLord)that in thy _fight I ama molt vile and wretched finner,andthat ifl fhoulddifputewith thee, Icould not anfwerthee oneofa thoufand. Therefore in the cafe be- twixt theeandmy foule, I will laymy hand uponmy mouth, and abhorre my felteinduft andaches. But as for thefemineaduerfaries, whole tongues areas theCoates alb, niper,inrefpeft ofthem,thou knowett mine vprightneffe, and howvntrue there thingsare whichtheyput vpori me. And indeed this witneffe ofmy confcience is my chick reioyeing,and with it I doe fecretlie folace my (elfe againft all their molt bitter andpay,: fonfull accnfations. This makethmee tohatfe(ioldneffe toward thee, and with comfort to truthvnder the Ibadowof thy wings; vntillthefeaffli fionsouer-paffe.Send thou fromHeaven, andfareme from thereproofeofthefe that would fwal- lowmee vp : Keepe mee fecretlie in, thy Tabernacle from the lirife of tongues. Furnifhmewithpatience(I befeech thee)vntill thou pleade my caufe, and execute judgement formefrepreffe my tumultuous and liveningfpirits,that I maynot render euillfor euill, nor re- bukeforrebuke, butthat I may hear. tiliepray to thee, even for mymolt Vehement accufers. And (O Lord) ifthey belongtothee, open their rien that they may fee their error touch their hearts, that theymay be forrie fortheirbitternef a :OCherwife,ifthey befuch, whom thou who vnderftan- deli all things)doett know tobe incu- rable, repreffe their rage(Ipray thee) let their lying lippesbe made dumbe, whichcruelie, proudlie, and fpight- fullie fpeake againft the righteous As for me,vpholdmein my integritie, 41blifhmee in euerieword and good worke, enableme tofich anholieand blameleffe conuerfation, that thofe Which reproach met as an esill doer, maybeeither wonne vnto theeby my good example,or elfe maybemadea. fhamed when they bee not able to- blame my behauiour inChrift: Teach mee toremember that this is not the one halfe ofthat which Imull fuffer forthyfake,ifIwillbe faithfull,that fo I mayrefolue tofacrificenot mygood nameonelie, buteuen my life it felfe forthy glorie. Thus, O Lord, relying vpon thy promifedreadinelfe toharethepray- ersof thyferuants , that I herepow- Sf£ z red' 711