Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

712 e/fHelye vnto Devotion, mybehaviour noappearanceofvaine glorie, butthat all may fee, thatit is the honourofthy Name, and the'de- fence ofthy truthwhich I feeke for. Groundme fo fure spun therockeof truth,fhrd fo abroadthy loue,and the feelingthereofintomy inward parts, giue me that earnel ofmy future in- heritance, and the taleofthe powers ofthe worldto come, that no or lormes,either ofplaufbleperfwa= liions,, orofa hard andcruellvfage,or ofvarietie oftormentsfet before 'me, may bee ofany forceorpower to re- mooueme. Draw mymeditations often, vn- to the Prince of my faluation; Iefus Chril, who was alto confecrated through affh&ions. Enable mee to learnby his example, toendure the crole,andtodefpife the flameforthe bywhich isfet before mee. Let mee neuer forget it,thatifIfuffer as chri- fian,I amapartakerofhis fuiferings, Ibeare hismarke vponmee, andthat thislight aflli&ion which-is but fora moment,fhallcaufeunto me(it being theway thou haftEnded outto heauen)a farcemolt excellent, andan eternall weight ofglorie.. And when I feele any cowardlie feare to fur- prifeMee , andmy kite almol rea_ die tofaintin myminds, then bring ittomyremembrance, that ifI de- nie thee,thou wilt deniemeealto; ifI calawaymyca.fidence,thouwilt al- focal nie offat the lauday, And flee- ing without thee I can doe nothing, makemeearnelin Praier, andacon- tinua llpetitioner tothy Maiel[e,from thee tobe fupplyed with all nccelfarie graces,fuch as thouknowef tobee fit for myprefent cafe. Take fromme all :tuftingtomineownfufficienry:open mineeies, that' may more andmo e fee mine owne fcantnele, and the weakenelethat is' inme for weightie fcruices : Make meeto knowthat my fiilldependancevpon thee, thanbee mychide flay : and thatas without thee, I cannot [land , fobeing vpheld by thee, I cannot mifcarie. Andifit Ihalbe thy pleafure todefiner me from this quelion which Iam now come into, poured out my foulebeforethee ; be- feeching thee to vouchfáfe agracious audience , both to theftand all other my humble fines , not for mineowne fake,but for thySonne andmy Saui- ours fakc,Chrift Ieû s, Mimi. 7'be Prfeceted for-a goodand righteous Catefe ,andbrought intohazard,both: ofhia.liberryand life, is dire- liedtbtt. lSee now,O mom gracious G on, and in Iefus.Chrifi mol kindeand louing Father , the truth of that which thou thy felfehaft reuealed in thy bleled.Word,: even that all that will line godly in Chrift , fhallfitffer perfecution: ThybelouedSon told his Difciples,that theymouldhaue in the worldmuch trouble,andbevexed and hated,. and continualliemoleftedfor hisEke. And now (Lord) it is thy good pleafuretocall mevnto this fer- uice,euento beare witnestothytruth by my flittering. Much weaeneleI acknowledge, that I findein My felfe, to landoutin fo iuffaquarrell, much vnworthinefe tobeaduancedto.fuch an honour. Beforethee thereforedoe I cal downemy Celle(for fromthee is euery perfe& gift ) befeeching thee tomakethy power apparant in mine infirmitie,and to ftrengthenme Poore wretch that I may cheerfullie take vp mycrole,and followthee. Breathe intomee,by thySpirit,the ruingknowledgeof vndoubted trúth, thatI may beefirmelie fetled therein ,andfullie alurcd ofthegood- nele ofthat caufe, which I amcalled to maintaine. Out of the mouth of babes thou haft ordained ftrength , thou can't make euen the vnlearned , and the menwithoutknowledge to fpeake, to the aflonifhingand amazementof the nightie : Itis thyinfpirationthatgi_ uethvnderftanding. Enduemee with courage, that Imay fpeake ofthy te- fbimoniesbefore Kings, and maynot beafhamed : Seafonwithall, my zeale and boldneme, with fachmeekenemè and reverence, that theremaybee in