Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

eff Diuotiön. into, and to rat=metom wónted bleofmyfpirntíaf defas,ISI amof peace,preferuemee,Iprayrhee,from thefebodilt`e fniliftions..'And asitis fecurity, (titre mevptomakeprouifi- reported çfthetin thy Word, that .on fortome greater flame,, renlem- thou. makeft the barren' woman to bringftill ,thafwithoutbeing faitlífull dwaitwithiefamilie; antl,tgbeaioy,'. and confiantvato death,.then is no All mot hh'8Pirhildren,fomakeíilea hope to receiue the:Crowne of life. humblycrab ufthee in lefusthrif) Allthefemercies, and whatfoenerelfe an example of thy mercie heerein. thou knoweftto be needfidl,reachout Let mee bee as the fruitful! Vine on unto me, Ihumbly pray thee, énenby the wanes of my husbands houfe, thofe promifes of grace which thou and let (at the leaft) one Olineplant hall made, andoffered in theMedia= fpring outfrommec, toLand about tour ofgraceandglory, Icfus'Chrift, his table. The frnit ofthe wombis thy Atom. reward, of ghee alone doe I -delire it , from thy mercy onely doe i ex- Somebarren Haaaab,or childlefeElfaß- pelt it. Mb, defirinm tole báfeeimirbfrnie And good Lord bc'e pleafed in ofbedy,prrye:h:hss, to orderand rodírcËt my defirchere, in, as that I may not in this feeke NEither am-I the 5rft (0 moft fome outward contentment onclie, l \Lmercifufl LordGod)whomthou but that my chiefe refpeei may bee, haft thusaffluched, neither arsI with- that by mee thy Church may bee ont examples of holy perfons, who enrreafed, and thatout oftee, may haue both ruedunto thee for comfort proceeds filch an one by whom thy in fuch anoccafion, and haue been glorie may be furthered , and theho- heard altooftheein that theydeSred. Hour ofthy Name aduanced"amongf This is no little ioyunto my grieved men. heart : foras Iam certified hereby, Teach meewithall,fotorefçrremy that I maythusbechaftened, andyet deliresto thy wifdome, and to tub- be deare andpreciousin thyfight :fo mit them to thy gracious dìfpoing, I doealfothenceconclude thatthou that ifitfhallfeemegood to.thee, not bothart ableto releafe me, andwilt to grantthis my requeft, Imay not likewife,ifthoufee kin thywifdome murmure againftthee, but maypati- tobeconuenientfor me.Tothee ther- entlie and quietlie beare yyhatfoeuer fore doeImake mymoane(O Father either in this , or in any other kind ofmercies, andGod ofcomfort) bee thou fhalt lay upon mee. Let mee not deafe, Ibefeechthee,tomypray- confider that though this which I ers. Looke fauourably, andwith a now craue,beeafauour notro beede- compafsionate eye upon the trouble fpifed, yet thatthou haft'inflore bet- ofthy handmaide. It hash hitherto terblefsings for thyferuants, euenfpi- bin thypleafure to(hutvpmy womb, rituall blefsings in heauenlie things: andtodenie methat comfort by chil- Litre mee vpp to feeke thefe efpecial- dren which thouhaft vouchfafed vn- lie, and with MMrie,tochufe the bet- toothers. Humblemee (Ipray thee) ter part , which (hall neuerbeetaken underthy hand, 'andgrantthatImay from thofewhichonce enioy it. And trulie, andfincerelie, andfeelinglieac- becaufe I haue fogreat a delireofen- knowledge, that though thisbee no create, letit bemy care, bothinmine littlecrofié, yetit is nothingto that ownparticular, tovfeall good meanes wich I hauedeferued : Itis iuft,I con- by whichI mayencreafe ingrace, and feffe, with thee, to punifh my barren- touchingothersalto tolabour the en- ne(fein grace , andmy fruitiefneffe in creafe ofthy Kingdome, by prouo- holy things, with this want of out- king, perfwading and throughmy wardencreafe. good example, winningand drawing Makemee (Ogood God) asfenfi- them voto thee. So(Lord) being (by S ff ; reafon 713