Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

714 eX,Helpevnto Dertotrón. reafon ofthis crof(e) awoman trou- ' grace I haue negle&ed , howthy for- bled inSpirit,outofeheabundance of bearance bath been abufed by mee, my complaint I haue poured out my how I haue been a reproachand flan_ foulebefo ethee, fubwittingmyfelfe dertothy Gofpell, howdeadandlum_ in all humility to thy appointment, ,pith and falfe-heartedI haue been in who makeft all thingstoworke toge- thy, feruice , hòw barren in good Cher fortliegoodofthofewhom thou works, andwhatlittle proceedings I clod{ lonein lefts Chrif,towhombe hauemade, goingrather backward, liraifebothnowand eàer,tAms,,. then firiuing vnto more perfeftion, how I haue contented my felfe with A Pr4yst mppliedtatkeffatsofa man in- Thewsoigodlines:when(Ifay)Ithink hardly perplexedwith thehorror ofJinn,, vpon thefe and other my.groffe and wit drn&tigsofGad,fiaowr,sndwitb palpableenormities, Icannot butvt_ tbetrradtionsofSaton,teading . teriecondemnemyfelfe ,neithercan' tedefpaire. beleeue that it ispofsible for fo vile a wretch as I,tobee admitted into thy 'OThoumoll pitifuliGod, and to fauoùr. Sometimes I conceiue force thofewhom thou !weftin Iefus little hope, and I feemeto my felfe to Chriff,rno(ttender )rather, neuerdid haue forcetafle of thyfauor,and force thereany peore chafedHartbray af- kindofaffurance,that Iamdearevn- ter the truer' of water;,. foas mydi- to thee in thy Sonne:butfuddenlie my fireffed and amazedfoule panteth af- comfort vaniiheth, my hope isouer- ter thee. ;Óh that I had faith to lay clouded with perplexed doubtings, hold vponthat'mofl fweet pronnfe, and I am well here fwallowed vp by whichthoucalleflall that are wea- withmeere defpaire.Can anymortalli tieandladentocome vnto ther.Faine man(think I)know the mindofGod: Xwould, O Lord approath intothy orif fomeholie perfon maybe fofarre gracious prefence,andhappy feemeI graced , as to vnderftand Gods pur.. tomy felfe, ifI mighttafle, though pofe touching himfelfe : is it poi: but (asitwere) fomecrummesofthy fiole that fo vile a creature as I sich mercie. Methinksthat all things fhould cometo inch a high proroga- which I feeinthe world and which tine? the formes ofmen doe dote vponfo Can the Lords Spiritdwell in fuels exceedingly, are butdung and droffe aftinking andpollutedfoule asmine? incomparifonofthyfauour:O that I Willhee vouchthfetogluemeean ai.. trughtbeebutoneofthelowef:ofthy furance ofGodsfauour?Or ifI might Saints, or `(as it were) aferuitoror know now that I am in the flareof doore-keeper among thyholle ones. grace,whataffùrance can I haue, that Thus I fie thymercie, I admire it, I I lash focontinue, beringbefet with preferre it in my choice before the manieimperfe@ions?Thus, OLord, greateft treafure : but when I would mine owne thoughtsoppreffe me,and' applie ittomineowne particular cafe, mineowne foule dothpleade thecafe Ohwhat aworldof difcouragements againft itfelfe t Neitheris Satan, the doe i meetwith? My hunes doe take ancientenemieofthineeleli, wan- fuch hold vponme, that Iam not able ring to adde affiidions to my mife- to lookevp : theyare fo many, yea, rie. more in number then the haires ofmy Heretofore his manner bath been, head, that my heart Both tutu fade to incite and toprouokeme vnto fin, metoconfider them. by hiding and couering the vglieand When I thinke howmy foule and moth ioarhforne face thereof, and to fpirit is fraughted& defiled turnwith beate meinhand, that itwasavery whole millionsofprofane, hardned, eafe thing to repent, and that a11ò fecure,vicious,worldli ,andvnfanli- thy fauour(OLord)mightbee procu- fied thoughts, how many offers of red byand by. Now _