Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

t fHelpevnto Veùòtián 7xß Now bee enlargethmy evils, and ter righteoufneffe. Makes my fins to appeare before my Itis pofsble, OLord, thatrho confcience inmolt terribile'and hide- fhouldett leaueoffto begracious, and ous fhapes: he tellethme,that myhy- ThurVp thy tendermercies indifpiea- pocrifie isapparant, that theguile of fire ? Didfl not thou fend thySonne my heart is written ingreat letters intotheworld, todieeuenforchiefe and cannotbe denied,that itis now in finnees? Isit sottrse, that where fin vaine for metofile forgrace,therebe- abounds, there thy grace aboundeth jngnohopeofinercie left forfuchof- much more? Could I euer fo much fenders:that iris tonopurpofe forme as truelle delire reconciliation with to pray : for as I cannot pray as I thee , vnteffe thou didit worke it in should, otherwife then in hypocrifie, rice ?' foneither (if i cocldpray aright) can Isnotthisrequeft,Lordhrdpemwn= therebee any accrue vntothe rhrone be!refe, the eerie voice of thy Spirit ofgracefor therequeflsoffuchatref- withinme? Could I complaint ofthë paffer. hardnesofmyhart,orfincerelyloath Notwithflanding (O moltgracious mineowne corruptions, as beingdif God) euen in defpiteof his fuggefli- pleating to thyMaieftie,ifthineowne ons, and amidft all thofe difcourage- finger had not effe&ed it? ShouldL mentswhichtnine owne heart mate- feel& fuch a combat inmy foule , and rethagainftme, I doehere aduenture fuch a tumult withinme,ifthouhadt myfelftothy moltglorious pretence. not truliebegun to drawmee to thy If I !hall finde fauourin chine eyes, felfe? Would Satan fo continuallie Phewme the light ofthycountenance moleflme, and fo eugenicpurfuc inë and l lhall befafe.Ifthou fay,(heneeu with varietie ofmolt malicious and delight in ehee,behold,here I am,doe to Sharpe affaults,ifI were fillheld cap- mee as feemeth good in thine ovine titre by"himat his will? eies.I knowwhatthouhaft fpokenin Raife mee vvpp therefore (OLord) I thy word, nainely,that ifi draw neer praythee, refrefh my deie&edand unto thee,thouwiltdraw neerevisto caft_downe foule, perfe& the work of mee, and that thou wilt fulfillthe de- grace which thou haft begun within fires, and accept the vnexpreffable ine,makemetoheareof boyandglad_ groaner andíghingsofthyfeniants: nelle, that the bones which thou haft Truthitis,OLord,!dare not laythat brokenmayrcioyce. Thou haftfetme I drawneere vetothee asI fhould, or as a marke vnto thy felfe, thouhaft that my defires are fuch as they ought written bitter thingsagain$ mee,and tobe , or thatI groaneunder my fins made mee to polfeile myformer with fuch an effeetuall and piercing quitics ;thou haft hiddenthy facefrom feelingasis fit. mce, and taken mefor thine enenüei All thàtlamabletodoe, and that comfort mee now according to the in muchweakeneffe, is tocry faintlie daies that thouhaft aflii&edmee, let voto thee,Ohdrewmee,andI w,llmine mee behold thy face in righteoufnes, afterthee make me todefire thymet- and rettore vetomee the soy of thy eseinfinceritie,bruife myheart,thatI faluation. RebukeSatan,i mothum. may yeeld out manic vndiffembled bliebefeech thee :though thou pleafe fighings after thee. Yet (O Lord) tobuffet me with hismeffengers, yet thoughthere be in metbut fuchpoore letthy gracebe fuflicient forme, and beegginningsofgrace, fufferme not (I make thine owne power in retuning beteechthee) tocall away my confi- me,perfe&and manifeftbymy weak- deter. I amwell allured that thou haft ncftè,whichof it felfe is readie to bee not forgotten thy promife ofnotbre_ prefeddowne with euerie tentation, king the bruïfedreede, nor putting Glue methat holtewifedome, notto outthe fmoaking{lase, and of gluing beteene Satan, no, thoughhe fpeake gblefsingvntothofewhihhungeraf- the truth: inalmuchashéiithepathet Sff4 of