Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

7i6 ellHelpe vnto Deuotion, oflies, andneuerfpeaketh truth but hereof hathgiuen me courage (albeit for a wickedpurpofe. And(OLord) mollvnworthte) to prefent my .felfe here before thee , and to conceive hope thatthou wilt not fend meemp- tyaway. Wounded,O Lord,T amwithmine owne hainous fines , my untamed ffefh doth alwaies rebell and lull a- gainll my fpirit : fomegood motions and purpofes Ifometimes haue , but (alas) they are quicklyquenched,and the lawofmy members fopreuaileth, that I cannot doe the good whichI would. I hauein mee(Iconfeffe) the feedofeuerie fine, andmy natuteis apt tobee wrought vntoanykindeof euill. But (OGod) there are fome principallcorruptionswhicli debeare inmethegreateft fway, andtheydoe fo euen raigne in my mortal' bodie, that I am forced toobey them in the tufts thereof : Thediuell alfo isfull of moll malicious policie, andhee Rill worketh uponall aduantages,and out ofallthings almoft takethoccafion to adde fueli to my wicked delires, and by pleafing and delightful' baites to leade them on unto hellifh perfeai- on. The moreI ftriue, the ftronger (mee thinketh) thefe corruptions grow:which maketh mee tofeare the vtter quenchingofthy graces, and the grieuing ofthy holle Spirit. Hereby myPrayers are tnterrupted,mymedi- tations perplexed,androbbedoftheir wonted fweetnes,myhearing andrea- ding of thy word is made vnprofita_ ble:myfaith is encountredwith grie_ ATrsyer', then needfall, wheos sun nous doubtings, becaufe I cannot bsthfame/ßeeisllcombstewitbfems feel, thatítrength andpowerofthy ewermoefpec.iiJinaes, s- Spirit which I would. OLord, ifthy saúnß which ha de. merciebee notmy flay , I mil needs firtth vili,- be ouercome : whomhaue I in heauen rie, but thee? Whither (hall I file barto thy gracious afsiftance? I befeech (J Lowing Father in Iefus Chrift, thee tohaue compafsion on mee,cru- V it hath pleafed thee ofthine a- cilleand kill thefevnrulie lulls, abate bundantmerde togiueleaueto euery the ftrengthof thefe violent and wie- humbled and diftreffed finer, to ked defires:weakenthemI pray thee, posee outhis foulebefore thee , and and fuller themnot tohaue dominion thou haft bound thy felfe by a pro- ouerme. LetthySpirit guide me, and mife both to heare and to helpe all leadme intothe land ofrighteoufnes. thofewhich feeke thee with an vn- Orifit bethy pleafure, O Lord, (till fained heart: Theconfident affurance toexercife mee, yet leaue mee notde- ftitutc as thouencreafeft mycomfort,fo with. all encteafe my care, that I maynot fall from perplexitieto fecuririe, but that I may alwaies keep myhart with all diligence,prouingmy faith,& fear- ching may waies , andexercifingmy felfe veto godlineffe. Make me a care- full and an vnderfanding hearer of thyword, fithhis theword of life, a quickeningword, awordwhich doth reioycetheheart: andbecaufe except thatbe mydelight, i fhallvttetliepe- rifhinmineafiliétions, Make mice circumfpeet to ppreuent finne,and fearefullouer myfelfe, that finse may notgrow ftronguponmee: and grant that I may fludie topre- fer= the peace of my confcience a- boue alithings, takingheedofwoun- ding it withprefumptuous fins. And, ÒLord, ftablilhmewith thy freefpi- tit,that albeitSatan feeketo fift /nee, and towinnowmeas Wheat, yetmy faith mayneuer fail,, but may beeas mount Zion which cannot be remoo- ued,but remainethforeuermore. Thus, Omy graciousGod,hauing through thy mercie , peace inbelee- uing,and ioy inthyholy fpirit, I (hall finifh my courfe incomfort : which I pray thee grant me for his fakewhois thePrinceofpeace,euen Iefus Chrift, to whom with thee and the holy Ghoft, be all honourand glorie, now andfor euer, Amen.