.Helpe into Dets&tion, 7t7 Itítute ofthygrace: but encteafeit in and the things which concerne thq kingdomeare inhand. Often haue I: heardof thyprovidence , andof the promifes which thouhaft made, to with-hold nogood thing fromthofe thatfearethee:neithercanIdenie,but thatI my felfcofmineowne'particu- larhauehad great experience of thy goodnefÍe:but yet, whenIgoe about to workemy heart to a,dependancer thereupon, andtoa holiereftingand relyingvponrhee,Oh what frubborn- neffedoe Imeet with,whatinfidelity, whatwoeful! diftreltfulneffe? Whata combat haue I with my tumultuous thoughts,howdotheyrefill andgain- fay , and even fmother and fuppreffe euerie motion innjee, which tendeth towaitingupon thee?Whit fearerare byand byrailedvp, offuture ware,: what perils am I taughttocalli , and what plaufrblereafons doth myheart frame, by which to make it feeme avaine and idle, yea,and a ridiculous thingvpon mee, totruft to thyproni-. ding? Thus doe Lnothing but mien yexe and reare my foule, beate my. braines,andfpendmyfpirits, howto get that which I defire, and how to keepe and preferue thatwhich I haue gotten.-Myvery fleepe, withthefe im moderate cares isoft tintes taken . frommet , and fodoubtfullam J for the time tocome, thatI darenotvfe. captiuewith the immoderate loue of that portion which I haue , for my earthljethings. Oh how am I bewit- Indent comfort. Euen the inofi be eked with the Teeming fweetnefle of honcfull expences to thofe ofmy fa- them, who am l cum with akind of Milk , to the poorethat dwellabout violence cariedaway tothe fettingof mee, to themaintenance ofthe Mini my mjnde and all the powers of it fterie,area death vntoMe:Andalbeit thereupon?When I am topray either thoubleflèlt my basket and myfrote, privatelrebymyfelfe ,orwith others andncreafeft mineeftateby continu- urcommon,whenIamcalled to heare alladdingthereunto, yet 'till Ifeeme thy Word, or am otherwifeto bee toheurewithin,thevoiceofthehorfe- bufedMany godlieexercife,myheart leaches daughter, Goon', Grim, neither isrouing,and myaffeftionswandring can I perfwade my infatiableheart to here andthere about the matters of fay, is n eauugb, the world; fo that in thefe diuine im- Now (Lord) tbefliech thee robe ploymenrs , it feemeth to mee that I merciful}vinomein this thing : Healè Elide no contentment,but all thetime inmee this .dangrrous and increafrng is too long in my conceit which is fo licknelikr bridle auk vnrulie and mif: bellowed. Thus myfpirits are quite guidedpafsions:Supprefiethefttor- dulled, and meethinkes I haue no life bestingand heart_diriding carcs:dif- within me,whtn mattersof Religion, folte this glre,byv Inchmyaffedions are tier, that I maygrow unto a larger meafureoffanftification:'make Mee herebythe mere feruent and frequent in Prayer, the more (trait toprcuent all ocean0ns leading veto eeill the morejealous otter my wales; themore bumble and vile in mine owne fight: That fo even out of unit there may (piing good vntomee, and that Imay fee the fulfillingofthat hohe promife; that all thingsworke togetherfor the heftvntothyServants. Heare met(/ intreat rhee)inthis,andinall othermy requefts, for Chrilt Iefus.false thy belt belouedSanne,and the onelie Sauiour ofthychofen,Amen. A PrajeragcisJJworldly.mindednefe, drfrxflof Gods proxidmnee, and the reo efefectranittgofthe aJ/éíhomivntoearth- ly thmge. Anifold are the corruptions (Omolt gracious God) with which my heart is faille fraugh- ted, andfundrieare the evils, which (likeftreames)doe flowfromthishid- denfpringintomy outwardman. A- mong others,I ftillfee (and bleffed bee thyname, whohaft mademet to fee) how my foule is altogetherenfnared, and myaffeetions, as it were taken