Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

7i$ eiHelpeuntoDeuotton. are foclofe fallened vnto thofeearthly nance, for ioy in theholle Ghoft, and things. Open mine eies that I may forpeace inbeleeuing,then for anyof plainelle fee the truenamre ofthofe thefefadingcommodities :fofhalllbe thingswhichIfomuchdefire:hówfic more feudious howtogrow in grace, Irle they are,and howvncertem, what thentoencreafe in wealth, moreear_ hinderances,yea,what enemies,tothe neft forfpirituallblefsings, then for good and profperityofmy foule,what outward things. coolersofzeale, whatclogges in the O then I befeech thee, dense mee waythat leadeth vnto life. Teach me not thisrequeft , fend mee notaway then to fay tomy felfe ; Ob wbjdoe t emptie from thy throneofgrace : I weary rayfelfor that,wheel, where Ibatte, askenotfoimportunatelie,in any opi- lsaunetkeepe,whicb foamy orlater, I am pion ofmine owne deferuing, I re- fareImuffforges: why doe Ifo leas that, pounce myfelfe, Iflie tothe promi- mi cb is_legreat aeadoerfarytom? fettle, fes, I looke for nothing but for thy mbicbwillebeaks, good things in me , and wotdes fake, for thynames fake, for makeit Amageroff. mucb the meredtgl?. GhriftIefusfake,in whom thyfoule is saltyfermetebefatted? And to theend pleafed, towhomwith thee andthine the heat ofmyaffe&ions afterthisba_ eternall Spirit,with thebowingofmy fertrafh , may bee the fooner andthe heart, I yeeldall honour and glorie, more throughlieallaied , make meto world withoutend,Amen. feelethefweetnes ofthe things which areabout t enlightenminevnderftan- Againff Hypowife. ding, that Imayknowwhatthe hope is ofthycalling,and whatthe riches of thy glorious inheritance is in the Saints, andwhat a furpafsing,excee- ding eternallweight ofglorie it is, which (hall bee (hewed vnto vs : that the meditation thereofmaymake all thingselfe becomeBuenas vileasdung before me. Workemycull' andvnbe- leeuingheart,toa fledfaft faithin thy promifes,and toa firmeperfwafion of the certaintieofthat which thy word bath teftified,namelie,that ifI delight myfelfe in thee, I flan befed affured- lie, and thou fhaltgiuemyhearts de- fire. Oh, why fbould Idoubt ofthis through vnbeleefe? why should Inot befullyaffured, that thouwhich haft promifed art ablealfö todoe it? and that asa father bath compafsion on his children,euenfo haftthou alto up- on them thatfearethee:Thoukeepeft theirbones,thou number(} their hairs, ithouobferueft their groanings, thou putteft their mares into a bottell: though a Motherfhould forget the fruit of her wombe , yet thoucant} not forfake them. O thou the Fa- ther oflights, from whom commeth euerie perflt gift , make meeto be- Ieeuethis : fofhall my care hereafter bee more for the light of thy cotinte- IRemember O L oxu, the fay- ing of thy Semant David touch- ing the bleffedneffe ofthat man in wholefpirit there is noguile: and that alfowhich thy Son, my Sauiorfpake that the Hypocritesportion Mall bee weeping andgnalhingofteeth.In due regard whereof, Oh moo gracious God, being infamemeafure priuie to myfelfeofmine owne corruption, I am become an humble rater to thy Maieftie, vtterlie topurgemee from the fowreleauen ofhypocrifie. A firm I finde it tobee whichhan- ged fall on, and which cleaueth fo clofe,thatit is amatterofnolittle dif- ficultie to lhakeit off. When t exa- mine my felfetouching it,Ifeeplaine- lie that I am not able to clecre my felfe thereofbefote thee.Maniea time haue I in religious frruices, fought more togaineanopinionof holineffe with men,thento approue theforce_ ritie ofmy heartin thy fight: and full often haue I madeaPhewofzeale and femencie in things that concernethy worfhip and glorie, when my foule bathbeen evendeaded in mee , and withoutall lifeofatfeftion thereunto; How haueI feemed toothersto heare' withreuerent attention, and topray with