Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

,1fl.11elpe vwo Deloticn. with no fmall meafure of deuotion, tobe like a whited Tombe,whichap- when my inward parts haue been peareth beautiful' outward, but with- vvandring; and my thoughts either in is fullof all filrbinefle: but circum- whollyftraying,or atleafffarrefrom cife my heart (I pray thee )and renew all lerionsthinking vpon the prefent it by the purging Spirit, that what bulnefk? good thing foeuer I make Phewof, the Howmany duties ofgodfineflehaue fame my foulewithin may louevnfar-. I r.ndertaken, more with a defire to nedly : andthat in allexercifes of pie- be feeneofmen ,and to bewell atce- ty, I mayerr conydrawneerevuto .med in the world, then for any truth thee withmy lipsand eares, and out- of loue to the things themfelues, or wardmarl ; but aboue all, with all the for any flrength of care to glorifie firength and power ofmywinde, de- thee? I amnot able (OLord) to lay firing more toapprove the lingleneffe open to the full thehypoerifìe of my and finceritieof myheart veto thee, heart, and that whole body ofguile, whokeninfecret,thentopurchafean 'which lyeth lurking inme. Euen now, opinionwith men,whocan feebut the methinketh, Ifade, neither is thisac. out-fide alone, and may foonebede- knowledgement whichImake,fofin- cetuedwithlhewes.This inward truth ceee,and lis free fromfraud as it ought vouchfafevetomee (Oholy Father) tobe : neither doe I feelemy felfe fo not for mine owne fake, but for his deeplyaffeâed withmy prefent cafe fake,who bothisTrurh,and camealto asI defire : Loth is my flout heart to into the world tobarewitneffe to the yeeldfo mechto the accufing andde- Truth, euea lefus Chrilf, thy Sonne baling ofit felfe ifaine would itfhift andmygraciousSaùbur, eAMen. off even this vndeniable imputation which I putvpon it. What hope then eilsairffbarkfiidinginReligìon,and Jsaue I, (O thou the Father ofail mee- forincreafeofFaith. cies) but inthee ? This mite of thy goodneffe, who OEternall and Almightie God, haft not giuenmeouerto mine owne thouhaft inthy Wordcomman- hypocrifie, buthaft made meboth to tied,that we thould rakehtcde offa!- fee it, and in fomelittle meafurealfo ling from thy grace; and thou haft to lament it, Bath emboldned mee to , there teffified aifo, that the end of call myfelfedown herebefore thee. thole which gobacke from their lied. Let itbethy pleafure,Ibefeechthee, faffneffe ,after they haueonceknowne to create in mee a newand an vpright .and profeffed the way ofrigghteouf- fpirit, pluck vpmen all thevery fmal- nelle, will beexceeding fearefull. irlEIprigsofthis poifoard reset offe- - Be nicrcifuil thereforevetome (O cat hypocrifie: Makemetobecomea Lord) I molt humblypraythee,con- trite Ifraelite,a. erfitllaihoiacó.Thou -cerningthis. Ifindeinmyfelfegreat art theClod oftruth, thou takeftno weakneffe, no power, hate I of my delight in lying: O ftirrevp inmean Idle to per114 in goodneife : Many vnfasneddeteltation of alldoubling, meanes an doe rhefe euill daies af- a.ndan carnet loue of inward Ghee- ford,by whichto drawme backward: ritie. corruption in opinion,- wickedneffeof Let mee neuer forget, howvnpofsi- example, all manner of reproach and bleitisroblinde- thineries without- fcorne calf vpon finceritie, fubtile ward Ihewes, orto delude thee with perfwafïons ofpolitieke' and 'carnall faire pretences: thou feeft notas man friends. feeth,forrnankiokethon the outward By rhefe and the like, me thinkes appearance, but thon beholdeft the Ifeele inmy felfe a great flakingand heart. Suff:r me not to content my an'abatement of that zeale and care felfe with a profefsion ofgodlineffe, which lwas wonttohave. T beginto and toneglefu the power thereof, or waxier inmyindgement, and to grow doubt- i19