Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

r Ito ellHelpeuntoDeuotion. doubtfull cuesof thofe things which I fometimes imbraced with fulneffe ofperfwafion:The exercifesofgodli- neffe, hearing, praying,receimng,me- ditation,conference, are not fo fweet vntomeas they hauebeene. Aftrange kinde ofdulneffe creepeth vpon mee, and I haue no fuch life and fpirit in matters of Religion, as formerly I hauehad : and towhat a wofullpaffe thefethings may come, though I haue much hope when I thinke vpon thy mercy ,yet well may I feare whenI look intomy felfe. Greatis thy good- 'neffe even in this I acknowledge, that thou snakedmy heart withinmee to fmiteme forthefe things and doed notfuftèrmetontine without flay in- to that hellidi downefall, in which I fhouldbefooneplunged,ifthou fhoul- deft onceforfake me. Goeon,I be- feechthee, in thy goodneffe towards me. Quicken vpmydull heart, enlise my too much decaying and deaded afic&ions, re-enkindle thofe fparkes whichareeven vpon quenching, and like vtterly togoe out,vnleffe it (hall pieafe thee to retinaethem. Settlemy judgment, fablilh my thoughts, make `firmemy confcience. Enable memore and moreto fee the truth in matters of Religion, and to difcerne things thatdiffer egiue me an exercifedwit, to knowboth goodandeuill. Andtogether with an increafe of _knowledge,giue mee alloan increafe ofzeale,that I maygrowingrace,and thrive to godliriedè, and goe from frén th;toftrrngth, vntill I cometo that meafure Which thou haft ap- tntçd;mee to come. in Chrid Ie- .lus. Letme notin thefe halting and de- caying times, be carried away with euory windmf doftrin, through the craftineffe ofthofe which lie inwait focicceiue. Sufferneitherthecaresof the worldtp ehoaketh'y,gracesin me, norvaine pleafures to infnareme, nor cuill examples to milldade mee, nor plaufibleperfwafionsaoenchant mee, nor thecontempt ofthe:times to.dif-. courage mee,nor mine ownedothfull and fluggilh nature tomakeme grow weary ofwell doing : butcaufe met fo tobe in loue withheauenly things, that I may neuerfatisfie my felfe with anymeafureeither ofknowledge, or ofypra&ife, butmay ratherdill be a- (teamed ofmy felfe, that I make no better proceedings, and fo may euer aime and driue unto more perfefti- on. To thisendbegetin me aholy care ofvfing all goodmearres, bywhich to beefablifhed in lodgement, and mom andmore enkindled in affeetion : filch as are the hearing andreadingof thy bleffed Word, earnedpraying; inten- tiue and Buie Meditation, careful! watchingouerminaminefoule; mar-. king and obferuing thofe whowale as becommeeh theGofpell,following their faith, and imitating their holy and graciousconuerfation. And when I Tooke vpon worldlie Men, fuch as minde onely earthly things,and behold how they trauaile to increafe in wealth, and to adde more &more to their outwarddate : and vpon godleffe perfons; and fee howthey fall away more and more, waxing wórfe &wórfe, addingdrum- kennef evnto third ; leteuen this bea fpurreunto me,to egge meonward in the wayes ofgodiineffe, that I may thinke it a flamefor oree, thatcarnal/ men fhould bee morein loue with the World,then Iwith.Heauen,andpro- fane ones more eagerinthe feruiceof thediuell,then I in the aduancingand promoting ofthyglory.Asthy promi- fes OLord haueencouraged mee than topraie,fo letit bethy gracious plea- fureto acceptmyfute,fo fhal myfóule praiferthee; andmy tongue exaltthy Mainewith ioyfullipsand that inlet. fun Chtift,thySomit and Satiate, Amen. 9 sinftbtrdeeÏrefbart. VVHe I recount with myfèlfe (OGod gtacè) thefun . úrie punifhments -"Vet rewith thou had inzhymolbleXfed^,-Void threat- ned ro afflict theAildien of difobe- dience : amongOka' all; a hardped heat*, as 'feared- èonfcicnce, feehit h vnto