eHe14e untoDeuetion. zt vnto mee the molt wofull. Surely, it be neuerfofmali, letmyconfcience not all the plagues ofEgypt, nOt all finite mee, let it beeacaufeoffurrow the botchesofIb, are worthy there- andgriefs thefine: the times, confider n with at thy iudgened. Who value feewhat fwarmes st peoplewillneeds mercies, ci s rho isab to pr value thy bedamned, O let it make my foule to ges, oreo profit nybe- wee einfecret,and- myfpiritwithin vfe of thy word, or to reaps any be- P nefitbythe exercifesofthy feruice, if metbenullofhea ineliè. hed,make thisfearefull crunbegrowne vpon his itvnthnthywodis preached, power, mate fecretparts? Takeawayfrom a man, p a tender and an apprehenfiue foule, a may feelehow itentreththrough ,eueú fort anda yeeiding hart,wherein ishe to the diuidingof the ioynts and the better then the Horfe or the Mule, marrow, and how itis a difcernerof which haue no vnderftanding? La- the thoughts andintents ofthe hearts mentable is the {late of thefe euill andfo that I may receiueit with all times, andmiferable theconditionof reuerence, and with meekneffe, and the greaten part now-adaies , ouer mayperceive my naturall ftubborne- whom this dreadfull fickneffe hath neffe to bee more and more beaten fpread it felfe fovniuerfally:andwret- downe and fubduedbyit. Suffer mee ched, O Lord, (hould I become, if notfhghtly topaffe ouer anyeuiden- thoulheuldn leasemetomyfelfe,and ces either of thyiuflice or of thy glue eseouertothis ragingeuil,Weak grace, but grant mee toendeuourto Iam inmineowne nature, andcannot make vnto myfelfeaholyvfrofeue- wiihnanditmay,my heartisin it felfe Ty accident. prone vnto it,ardmany, nofmallton- Let me neuer nop my cares to the ches ofithaue Ioften felt andpercei- words ofholy adulce, nor harden my uedinmine ownefoule :fo that Ican- necke o mreproohed,raowe notbut eaen quake tothinkewhat a let e mifety itwere, ifthou Ihoulden (as i gahatif t e right s mmite,mehalil thou iuftly mighteft) fuller theftbe ginnings offprntuall fenfelefneffe to feareandrefift euenthe beginningsof Ftrdnfe, and the xtre of thereof hardnedheatwill reepevpon me, liardnefie, in extremjty tohaue dominion ouer mee. Tothee euillbe wilfullygiace way to. therefore, O heauenly Father, who Eueryfmalltafteofgrace,caufeme only canftknow, and-who alonecanl'r tomake muchofit, and to labourto fupplythyChildrenswants, due Ilift increa( it: let mepier feare myfeife, vpmy foule, to thee in this needfull left I(hould be hardned through the timedoe Imake myprayer. Thouart deceitfulneffe offin, and lidi pray vn- rey ftrong rocke, to 'horn I may in tothee, tobee (Melded and preferued Chtift lefus boldly refort, heare the frpmit.Thereis norfogreat an enemy voyce ofmy petition,andbe notdeafe to the foule, asis ffcurity; neitheris a towards mee. ' Preferue meeby thy reprobate fenfe atanytime fo neere, mighty power, as from afteuils, fo aswhen iris leaft fufpe&ed, or lean from thisefpccially:put intomybow- thoughton. Olithenl befeeehthee, els,a &flayand meltinghart, gumme remoouefadeaway fromnue thisfoie a tenderanda feeling Spine. When I rit ofnegle& , and grant that I may Feare of the power ofthy wrath, let Rand vpona continual) watch ,forthe it ftr:kean awe in nue whenthygreat presenting of this pleafing, buryet mercies, and thefnlneffeofthy grace killingmifery: andmake meto grow aremade mentionof, {tine me vpto more and moreinthe feeling andbe- a e&them,tohungerafterthem, and wailing of mine ovine corruptions cuento long toenroy. them. When I and in thedefireand tane andappre- commit any finneagainnthee,though henfionrof thy heauenly mercies? and