72t e/IHelpe'vntoDeuotton. and thatinand for Chrift Iefus fake, a very, legion of vncleane delires to whofebloudisthealonepurgeeofthe fight agamft my Soule. But, in thee confcience,and the principal! foftner ismy hope. O thoumot holy Lord, of the heart : to whom,Oh thoumy tothee doe I cry, and from thee doe foule,doe thouftriue with thy felfeto I expert releefe in this great necefsi.- give praife and glory, now and for ty. euer;eAinen. Mortifiemyflefh( I humbly pray thee) by thy mighty Spirit, crucifie !gainjfvncleaneluiis, andfor the fale- my lofts, fuppreffe my boiling and prefsingófall vicious and vn- vnrulymotions, fakeand quench in chaJle affellionr. me this vnlawfullheat, fandifje nine M Oh true, O Lord, doe Ifinde foule,andbody, mywhole bekept blam and e- IV.'that by continua experience, lefçtothe.end. Plant inmee a dcepe which thy word hathfaid, namely, detefiation of this abominable euill that the heart of manis wicked a- let meeuer remember that thoufeeft boueall things, and that the imagi_ .infecret, andthatall things, though nations thereof are only euill :.out neuer fo clofely carried before M ofit doe proceede many defilements ofthe ott rdman. Thishaue I felt, andd etfeelein manyparticulars, even ow the Law inmy members, rebelling agáinft the lawofmy mind, ieadeth me captiue vnto the Lawof finnefo thatIamboth hindredfrom thegooel which Iaffe&,. and drawne euen headlong into that euillwhich I molt abhorre. Neither haue I ina- nyone thing more caufe toacknow- ledgeand complainofthis, then in thofeinordinate and vntulymotions, which are direftly contrary to ,that holineffe and honour in whichcurry oneofvsisbound by thyfacred word to poffeffe his veféll. The lofts of concupifcenceare exceeding violent, and doeuen confineandwalkwith_ inme(like Tomeraping fire)all religi- ous andholymotions. Much adoe haue Ito temper my felfe from aftuall filthineffe : many a presenting of this inticing wicked- time bath thediuel, whoknowethmy nffe: let me be induftriousandpain- weakneffe, and lieds in Waite tode- full in the place and calling wherein uour; muchendangered mee: nay,O , thouhail fet me, idleneffe being fucha my melt gracious God, had it not breederofvncleanneflè. beenfor thyretraining hand, doubt_ Teachmeto makeacouenant with leffethis Pinne; euen in the extremi- my eyes,, thatlut.may not creepein ty thereof, had long linepreuailed by thofe windowes into my inner ouerme. iris thy great mercy, which man: tobegraciousinmyfpeechfor_ bathfoppednine, when I haueberne bearing all.filthy and wanton talke, almof foiled in the combate with foberinmyattire,moderateinmydi_ this loathfomefnne. Andgreatcaufe et, carefullto cut off allfuperfluams I yet haue, to bee lesionsofmy felfe, pampering of the liefh, choice,pf- perceSuing fuch an army, and euen ivy company, watchfull ouer.nine owne arenaked in thy fight,andtha t(accor_ dingito thy Word) Whoremongers andadulterersthouwiltPurely iudge, andfor fuch thingsmake the fulnelìè ofthywrath tobreake forth vpon the childrenof difobedience. Andwhereas,0Lord,Ihaue foms- times in myprivate thoughts embol- dened myfelfe to thisfine, ina hope of liberty and opportunity for re- pentanceafter it, reftraine inme this intollerable prefumption , and caufe mee to knowthat thePinneofwhore. dome bath thisfpeciall effeft, euen to take away the heart, and to leadea manonwho is onceenfnared, likean oxe thatgocth tothe laughter, &as a foole to . the tockes of correftion, without any knowledgeor thought thathe is indanger. Makemee alb careful' and diligent,, and conftant in the vfe ofall good means for the