elfHclpeuntoDetolion. owneheart,taking heedofcherifhing when lam perfwaded and,rnoitedto or entertaining the fmalleft motion, defift. mindful(of. myprofefsion, andofhim Truth itis{OLord)thatIcadnôt towhom am coupled.by faith, re- Milifie this my implacableand ma membringwhat an indignity itlha3t uengeMftdifpofitiontalbeit it isfome- beto take thememberofChrift, and times*Ming tome , fo that itakè tomake it memberofanharlot. thought,and plot how to:accomplA Giueme a reuerent.refpeet, anda it,'yetwhen Icall myS lfctoaccou fobervfeofthe honourable eftateof I cannot approae It: I Thus I. ant marriage, which thou halt ordained muchdi{tm&ed : Religionv gethniheè as a ramify agahnfbthis {hansekile tofupprefE it,.corruptaoli eggethmeb }niquity:;And aboúecall, letmy forivard>tO arluanceiti::'Seseften'ast scum ceafetocry tothet who-art thint{eApoi: thyreúeatrdwitl, I feele ready tobefound, andwhoneuer,dc- ray felfe'böund to refctnt -t but mien the fuzesof thoffij whoprefent when I: again confult with, kVand theirpraydtsvnto thee., intthe!media- blood, me thinkethI -feu manyrrea- tion : ofAhat vndefaled rind fpotleflè . funs to lnaintaine it:: one viMic_ I Lambe,GhriftIefus,nto whomwith thinke,.Ob.h f?osl6afifuuretheLord thee and thyal1-farhEiyieigSpirit,bee -+f! deentafergiae? Another whiten-. gloryand pilule thtoaghour all gene- gaine,imaginefHow fualt!!¡acanzoiìR rationsforeuer,Arem.: . Men, ifIfbew.ras-feflfeafe tó -pat vf arr¢nkr, LetnortheStowe: aàdonme sp. e/IgaisJi raalaioafnefe,hàrdnefe to bee an thymrath, Saith. the Shit:-Saffer reconciled, aaddefer ofre- - nótthyfelfe to be atiúfed,, faiththeffeflf. range, Forgiae,andtheufialebefrrgiaen, faith theLord Beare one Ireong, andiefare ®Almighty Lord God , whenI ofmay, faith the World. , Whith'eIr lookeinto thy word, I there- now fltallI tonne met,be:ngthustóf_ in doe plaincly feeie to bee thywill, fedvponthewaves of fuchcontradi- that in as much as lieth in vs, wee ding thoughts? Wherefhould f hope Gould hauepeace with all men, and to finde futcour, but with thee (O that vnitylbouldbeefodearevntovs, Lord) whoart theGodofpeace,and andfopreciousin our eyes, that wee whole fpnit:sthe fpiritofpeace? Doe oughtto frei e it andto enfueit, and thou, l befechthee , determinethis euen to vndergoe fome hard conditi- combate, 'gluevieloryto thy truth onstoobraineit:but when retorne andlet the loueofpeacebed}rong ,and backeto the viewand beholding of preuaile againftthe defireof conten- mineowne heart, Ifind thereanabfo- tion. Let mee euer lootte more what lute, and a very ftiffe refinance here- thou commaundeft, then what my unto, .I cannot perfwade my felfeto owncorrupted heart affeeteth: what paffe byofences,or to breakeoffftrife mine owne offencesare againft thee, or tobe pacified towards thofe from thenwhat the trefpaffcsof others are whom f haue receiued wrong. The againftmy felfe : what fhallbe accep- hope of reuenge is euen fweete veto table in thy fight, then what1hal1np-. use, andit feemeth to late that Icould . holdmy fuppofedcredit before men. be content to beatany íharge, orto Enable mee to ferinus meditation endure any pains for the, wreaking of the fredome ofthy great loue ofmy difpleafure vpon myaducefa- in ChriftIefus. Wee, O Lord, had ries. Myvery flerpedepartethfrom offended thy Maiefty,and thou migh- mee, anti I forget euen my profitand reft haue gotten glory to thyRife cafe, while I am calling and lady- by our eternal( condemnation : yet ing with my felfe how to reuenge. it pleafed thee to offer thy grace vn. Theoffers ofpeace are loathfomevn- toes, and euen to feekc'vs, and to to mec, neither am I well pleafed befeechvs by thy Minifterstobee re- T t t z conciled 723 0