Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

Helpe 'into Devotion. 725 ligiousand fober carriage , following their gravity, and framing my felfe to their example. Caufe meto thinke often vpon my naked entry into the world, andmy naked departureout oftheworld,vp- on my lyingdowse in the graue and mymakingmy bed inthe darke,v on my naked (landing before the tribu.. nailfeat of atilt ; thatfomy minde may more and more bee eftranged from thefeoutward garnilhings, and may chiefelyfeeke for thatwhite rai- ment, the innocencyofthy Sonne, by which the filthy nakednelie of my foule may be couered, and,Iprefented without fpotbefore thee. Oh lift vp my foule to af%& this happinelfe,andthat forhisonely fake, whobeing the brightneffeof thyglo_ iauebeen greatly comforted? How many good houres haue I fpent in trimming this outward (heath, which might hauebeenmuch better bellowed vpon the adorning andbeautifying ofmyfoule ? Howof- tenhaue I been more bulled how to fet out my felfe beforemen, thenhow to become gracious before thee ? O Lord, if thou thouldeftbe ftraight to marke, and to punifh theft things, what am I thatIIhould endure it? Blefled' bee thyName, who haft dealt thusmercifully withme, as not togiuemeoser to this vanity, or"to lease me to the praftifeofit without remorfe. Ìbefeech thee humblemee withbeholding it, make my heartto mournwithinme, thatbeing a Pro_ feifor of godlinelfe, I fhouldyet hue and takedelight in fuchagrolle enor- ry, was yet pleafed tobecome with- m ty. Make me tovow againft ir, and outbeauty, and tohang naked on the tocaftit frommeeuen with indigna- Croife,to theend that he might hide Lion, as a menftruouscloth : (litre me our fines from thy fight, euen Iefus vp, moreto feeke thedecking of my Chrift, erfmen. innermanwithgrace, then theAran- kingofmy bodiewithgayattire: en- .4 Frain- of hnmiliarion andfarrow, dine my heart to Tooke rather after after fond. ffreciallfinnecara- the robe of righteoufneffe, then the mitred. garments ofexceffe: forthe cloakeof zeale, the girdleof verity, the fhooes IZMy God , I am alhamed and of the preparation of the Gofpell of VVconfoundedto lift vpmine ties peace andthat holyinftruâionwhich vntothee: mineinigmtèsareinerea- fhall Beea comely ornament to my fed ouermy head , and my trefpaffes head, and a chain to my necke, then are growne vp unto the heaven. I theft paintedtrinkets, which(hall pe- mull needs wonder at thy great for- rilhwiththeirvfe,and =nothingbut bearance,thatI am noteuen(wallow thebadges ofpride, thebaitsof lufts, edvp, or fwept away with fome ex- and thecherilhers of idleneffe. Make traordmary lodgement. metto remember, that thefhame of Andnow, O Lord, efpecially ha= finne did firfl beget the necefsitie of ling fo grolfely finned againft thee, clothes, and that therefore appareil and donefogreat an euillinthy light: fhouldrather beamatter ofhumilia- Howhaue I ( vileWretch that Iam) Lion, thenanoccafionofpride. wounded mine owne confcience? Draw myties from lóoking vpon How haue I laid my felfeopen to my felfe, to the ferious beholding of themaliceand mifchiefeofthe Distil? others wants, andlet itbemypra&ife What a difgrace and hander haue toclothethe naked, andtogiuetheir I brought vpon myprofefsion? What loins occafion to bleffe mee, becaufe anoffence and fcandall haue I giuen they haue been warmed bymycha- vnto others ? What a ioy will this title, be tothe wicked,that they haue now Let meeuer,not call mine eievpon by mee gotten fomething to fppake the generall fa pion of the times, but mill of ? But (abone all, O Lord) vponthofe which are ofthe moll re- how haueI difhonoured thee, whofe Ttt 3 fauours