Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

726 ef'Helpeunto Leuotirn, fauours haue been fo many, and fo I haue made to be due vnto me: but continuall towards mee? Iknownot that my chiefè'vexation may bee to with what names and termes to fet thinke how I haueabufed thymercy, outmy fume, fufficienttoexpref'ethe and requited thy exceeding loue with hainous and hideous nature thereof. fofoule a trefpatfe. When I thinke vpon thy patience, Withall (omolt gracious Father) vpon themeansofgrace whichthou teeingthere is mercywith thee, and haft affoordedmee, vponthe light of that thouhalt nodcfto that thewit_ knowledge which thouhaftgiuenme, ked fhoulddie, glue meleaue to be.. vpon the goodmotions (as it werefo come a futre vino thy grace, not in manygracious aduertifements)which mine owne name( for what am I that thou haft from.time to time flirted I fhould preffe into thy pretence? ) vpin mee, vpon theprofefsionwhich butin the name ofthy deareft Soóne, I make, vpon the fundry protnifes the alone Mediarour, and theonely and vowes ofbetterobedience, with Peace-maker ofhis chofen. I mot which I' haue tied my felfe vnto thy humbly befeech thee for his fake to Maiekie , vpon the diuers admoniti-. haue mercyonMe, O Lord, aplaiker ons, which (by thy prouidence i ofhisbloud thanbeamolt foueraigne know) haue been vfed tomee bythy medicinetócure myrinningandrot- Seruants,purpófely topreuent andto ten andfettered fore. His liripes and atop this euillinmee : mee thinketh I maycall it rebellion ( which isasthe finneofwitch-craft) orprefumption in the highek degree. And yet ( Lord) I ferlefuch a benummedneffe to creepe vpon mee, fucha hardned cruft to grow vponmy ferret parts, thatalbeitI fee my finne,and knowit to bee exceedinggreat, neuertheíefre, I cannot bemoaneit, fo lamellar,fo grieuefor it, fo.deteft and abhorreit asIfhould. Smite( Ogracious God) fmite, I befeech thee,my flintyhearty, makeit mien tomelt withinme, at the fightof woundsare of anhealingnature: no SopenorNitreof mine ownetempe_ ring can purge away my fiithineffe; only, his bloud bath that fcouring force, that it can make Scarlet and Crimfon fin aswhiteas wooll.O then, I pray thee, waft] meethorowly from mine tniquitie, andaccording to the multitudeofthycompafsions, eleanfe mefrommy firm,' Turnethy face fromme, andfrom my hatefull and enormious courfe, andlooite vpon the perk& and vn- fpotted righteoufrieffe of thy 9bnne. Supplymy emptinclfeout of his infi_ mine owne tranfgrefsions: Settle in rite fulnefe,the depth wherof cannot it that godly furrow, which caufeth befadomed,nor thekorethereofcon- repentance vnto faluation : Humble fumed. Corer my vncleanneffewith my Soule vnder,thy mighty hand, the robeofhisholineffe,euenwiththe and fuller mee not to freeze in the garment offaluation,withwhichthou Dregges of nine owne corrupti- deckek and tirek thine Elea. And ons. albeitI amof all others which either Make minehead full ofwater, and hauebin,are, orthan be,the mollvn_ mine eies a fountainofteares,which worthy yet vouchfa.fe tocertifie my may rune downe like a Riner day foule ofthygrace andfauour: by the and night. Ohlet mee take norek, fecret teaching of thy-holy Spirit, nor fuller the apple of mine eye to make me tofeele inwardly theby of ceafe:caufemetopoureoutmyheart thy faluation, reftore to mee that like waterbeforethy face,that I may Tweet takeof thy lout, which I was by all means, teftifie the vnfained wontto haue, and which I now haue griefeof myfoule, that I hauefo dif- robbedmy felfe of, by this mydifo- .pleafed thee. And grant (O Lord) bediencetowards:thee, thaf I maynot furrow fomuch, be- Let the apprehenfion ofmy finne caufe.o£hellandcondemnation,whieh be tempered with a comfortable ap- plication