Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

eilHet¡ievá d0 DeLtOf c`%id. plicátion of thymercy, that I may hold an eues courfebetwixt f areleflè fecurity and faithfeffe defpaire : be-. holdingat once, both my vileneffe to humble mee, and the richesof thy . grace toreuiaeme. And,asan euidenceof thy lone in this behalfe, ftrengthenmee by thy grace, tothemaking ofthe bet'svie of mine owne corrdptions. Grant that the thought of themmay kill in meal pride of heart, and may make me to abate my felfe, and to become euen vile in mine owne fight. Grant mee to bee hereupon the more watchfull ouer my courte, themore diligent to auoide all inducements, and intice.. mentsvnto thereorthe likeculls, the moreapt tobe taught, themore wil- ling tobe admonifhed, the more for- wardto begge thy afsiftance, andthe more charitably compafsioñate to- wards 'others, ratherpitying and be- mom.and praying for, thenrenia-. ringtheir infirmities. And, laird, fuf r menot, I befeech thee, to fatisfiemy felfewiththis, that I haueonce madetome fhewof humi- liation and forrowfor my falles : but grant Í may increafe in the perfor- manceof theftduties, andmay curry dayrevue and enlargemyrepentance forparticfdarflips growingflillinto adeeperdeteftatton ofmy tannes, and defiring withmoreand moreearneff- nes,andftriuingto be renewed in the fpiritofmymande: that fobeìngclen- fedfromalífilthineffe bothofthe flelh andfpirit, I maygrow vp onto full ,holinflè in thy feare, throughChrifl Iefus. In whofe name onely I com- mendvnto thee my requefts, and for whofefakethou haft promifedtode- ny nothing to thy Seruants. So bee it. ci?Fraser inreffiell ofDeath, needfx/l at alltimes, butefÿeciallylk fekneffe God,heGodoftheSpirits ofall flefh, andwhich haft the keyes ofHell andofDeath : thouhaft pre- paredthem both,andthouvalets them both at thine owne pleaihre: I be- fcech thee bee merciful( to a poore tremblingand weake hearted finner, and vouchfafe to preferue mcc from the horror and extreamity of dread, into which I am euen now readyto fall. When I confider ( OLord) how that 1 dwell toa houfe of Clay my foundation being in the Duff, and that I,muffere long make my bed in the darko,faying to corruption, Thom art my Father ; and to the Worme, Thouart m,y Mother and nay Soler r O howmy belly trembieth, and what a kinde of rottenneffe commeth into my bones 2 My fpirit feemeth tofaile me,andmyheart within me beingfil- led with difmaiedneffe. Efpecially, when I thinke vpon the judgement thatcommeth after it, and the flair, neffeof that account which I am in- Ifantly to becalled to, andupon thofe euerlaffingchains vnder darknelfe, inwhch thewicked are referued on- to thehaft f Semions , I ain then foeuen overwhelmed with amazednes,that Í ferme tomy fife for theprefent, not toknow where to finde any true re- frelhing. dam told by thybleffedand notdeceiuing Word,that theling of death is mine owne finne, andwithit I daily foiemyfelfe goared and gal.. led, and woundedfoexceedingly,that (me thinketh) to me(poore wretch) therecan beno hopeof recouery, but deathmuff needs bee as a pairage to leade me intothe bottonilefe ,prifgn ofhell. Raife vp(OLord, I befeech thee ) thefe my fadand vnquietthoughts, teach mehow to ouercome there dit. couraging and killing ` perplexities that death maynot beontomee as a kingoffore: nor I,as oneof the wic- ked, whole hope doth perils with their andtheCandleofwhofe comfort is putout, when thou art pie: fedto take away their foule. Reuiue my memory, that 'may cantominde, andcomfortably ponder thgfethings which thyfacred Word bath taught me, namely,how thenature of death is cleanealtered tothySeruants, the