Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

-7z8 eÎHelpe vn flingis plucked out,and it feltis fwal- lowed vp in viáory. To them the comming thereof mall bee atime of difcharge, they fhall by itbee freed from ficknefesofbody, from angui- fhesoffpirit,fromallpofsibility offin- ningagatnfttheir God,from the tedi_ ousanddifeontenting fociety of the vngodly : theirHell, !hall reffin hope, theirgraues (hall be vntothemasbeds ofeafe,being fweetned and feafoned by the burial( of their Sauiour : the Angels flail gin attendance vpon their foules, to conuey them into Abrahams bofome, to the fellowihip ofbeleeuers, to the Spiritsof iuft and perfit men : fo !hall they bee with Chrif,whichisbeft ofall. This (O Lord) is the happinelfe which commeth by death vnto thy chofen:Oh whatareall the molttor- menting fickneffes the bitter pangs and forrowesofthegraue,vntofucha gloriousexchange ? Whowould feare corruption, forá neuerfadingcrown ofrighteoufneffe? What isa momen_ zany yeelding of the body to con- fumption in the duft,incomparifonof the euerlafting preferuation of the foule, with afiùrancealfo, that inthe time appointed,thefe vile bodiesflail by the mighty workingof thybelo- uedSonne, befaibioned likevnto his owne gloriousbody, andfo bothbo- dies andfoules be foreuer withhim in his Kingdome? Teach me, O Lord, effeetualiy to apply thefe thingstomineowne com- fort, thatfo this timoroufneffe pro- ceedingfrom the guilt of fin, maybe turned into a cheerefull ex &ation, and tren a longingfer the dayof my diffolution. And, leftI lhould beguile myowne foule, in layingclaime to that fpiritu- all refrething which belongs not to me make me tolabour for thofeallu- redeuidences and vndeceiuingfore- runnersofahappy departure. I know, OLord,that ifI Huebert withoutconfcience, I (hall furely die without còmfort. Holtnelfe heere is the way and path to future happi- stife. I mutt feeke to glorifie thee, toDeuction, if I delire tobeglorified with thee. I muff fight thegood fight agamfl Sa- tan,agatnit the World, againft mine owne corruption ; I muff faithfully fulfill my court, and performe the feruice to which thou haft appointed me ; I muftknow thy truth,and keepe the faith in foundneffe and finceritie to the end : otherwife it will be in vaine to expert a crown of righte. oufneffe. I muff come to the firlf refurreeti_ on,orelfeÍ(hail neuer drape the fe- cond death.Grammetherefore grace (Ihumblypray thee) to (leur thee in holineffe and righteoufneffe all my daim, and toendeauour alwaies to haue a cleere confcience towards thee, and towards all men. Kill my corruption inme, that maybe even dead to fin, butaline to thee in Iefus Chrift. And becaufeif Ifiueafter thellefó, taking thought for ittofulfill it,I !hall die; therefore, Ibefeech thee,to mor- tifie the deedsof the bodybythy fpi= rit; thatfe I may hauemy fault in ha. lineffe, and myendeternall life. Teach mee often tonumber my dales, and to confider the vncertaine certaintyofmy end, thatI may die t- urncurry day, Rill looking and hill preparing for my change, and ma- king account that each daymay bee the dayofmy dilfolution. Strengthen alto myweakand faint faith, makeme prong in thee, andin the powerofthymight; leale mewith the holySpirit ofpromife, aswith the earneft of my heauenly inheritance n that fo no anguifh of fickneffe may difcourageme, nopangs ofdeathdif. may me,no affaultofSatanouercome me: but that, comedeath whenitwil, or inwhat manner itfhall pleafe thee, I may boldly (through Chrift) com- mit myfouleto thee asvntoa faithfull Creator. Grant me this comfortable blelsing, forhisfake,whodiedtofree me from death, and from him that had the power of death, euen for Chrift Iefusfake, Amer.